Notification > Push > API v1.3 Guide

API Test

Available on [CONSOLE] > [Notification] > [Push] > [APIs].

Secret Key

X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}

Go to [CONSOLE] > [Notification] > [Push] > [URL & AppKey] to create one.


[Response HTTP Status Code]

200 OK.
Respond with 200 OK for all API requests.
See Header at the response body for response details.

[Response Header]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."

[resultCode, resultMessage]

isSuccessful resultCode resultMessage
true 0 Success.
false 40001 Client Error. Wrong URI.
false 40002 Client Error. Unavailable field value.
false 40003 Client Error. Bad request. Check your request parameter or body.
false 40004 Client Error. Target length is exceeded. CHANNEL: 100, UID: 10,000.
false 40005 Client Error. Content length is exceeded.
false 40006 Client Error. Wrong target format. Clound't read two target types at once. Send a target, channels or uids at once.
false 40007 Client Error. Invalid certificate.
false 40008 Client Error. Invalid APNS certificate.
false 40009 Client Error. Invalid APNS Sandbox certificate.
false 40101 Client Error. Permission denied. Access is not allowed.
false 40102 Client Error. Unavailable appkey.
false 40402 Client Error. No messages to send in body.
false 40403 Client Error. No target in body.
false 40404 Client Error. Not found certificate.
false 40405 Client Error. Not found instance.
false 40406 Client Error. Not found reservation.
false 40407 Client Error. Unavailable reservation.
false 40408 Client Error. Not found channel.
false 40409 Client Error. Not found token.
false 40010 Client Error. Invalid Tencent certificate.
false 40011 Client Error. Bad request. Check your content.
false 40012 Client Error. Expired APNS certificate.
false 40013 Client Error. Duplicate certificate.
false 40014 Client Error. Wrong message type. Check contact or removeGuide.
false 40015 Client Error. Wrong reservationDays.
false 50001 ~ 50501 Internal Error. Please report this. ''.



[Method, URL]

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Request Body]

  "channel": "default",
  "oldToken": "oldToken",
  "token": "token",
  "isNotificationAgreement": true,
  "isAdAgreement": true,
  "isNightAdAgreement": true,
  "pushType": "GCM",
  "timezoneId": "Asia/Seoul",
  "uid": "uid",
  "country": "KR",
  "language": "ko"

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true or false,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
Parameter Usage
token Required, String Token, up to 1,600 characters.
oldToken Optional, String Old Token, up to 1,600 characters.
channel Optional, String Channel name, up to 50 characters.
pushType Required, String GCM, APNS, APNS_SANDBOX, TENCENT, ADM
isNotificationAgreement Required, Boolean true or false
isAdAgreement Required, Boolean true or false
isNightAdAgreement Required, Boolean true or false
timezoneId Required, String Area/Name. IANA time zone database.
country Required, String ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3, 3 characters.
language Required, String ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2, iOS(language code + script code), 8 characters.
uid Required, String User ID, 64 characters.
  • If token is registered again when it is already registered, existing information is updated.
  • If a token is to be changed, set existing token for oldToken and new token for token, and register; then, it is updated to a new token.
  • If channel is registered along with a token, message can be sent to a particular channel. It is not required, and is therefore registered as "default" if not defined.
  • A token can belong to only one channel.
  • "isNotificationAgreement" refers to consent to receive push messages; "isAdAgreement" for ad push messages, and "isNightAdAgreement" for night-time ad push messages.
  • For instance, to receive all push messages, set true for all three fields. To receive push messages only, set true for "isNotificationAgreement" only.
  • Consent to receive push messages is in accordance with Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utiliztion and Information Protection, etc. (from Article 50 to 50-8).
  • Go to KISA Guidelines
  • Check the Act
  • Response may be delayed due to many reasons, including bad network connection. To minimize effects on mobile application operations, it is recommended to set shorter timeout, and register tokens every time they are operated.
  • Tokens may be re-issued, on many accounts, including security issues, or app updates or deletion. Although they may not be frequently changed, it is recommended to register the most updated tokens whenever they are operated, so as to raise the receiving rate.
  • Even if a token is expired due to app deletion, it is not immediately applied to GCM or APNS server, so push message delivery can be successful after app is deleted.


a. Query Tokens by Token and Push Type

[Method, URL]

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Response Body]

    "token" : {
        "channel": "default",
        "pushType" : "GCM",
        "isNotificationAgreement": true,
        "isAdAgreement": true,
        "isNightAdAgreement": true,
        "timezoneId" : "Asia/Seoul",
        "country": "KR",
        "language": "ko",
        "uid" : "User ID",
        "token" : "Token"
    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true or false,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
b. Query Tokens by UID

[Method, URL]

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}

[Response Body]

    "tokens": [{
        "channel": "default",
        "pushType" : "GCM",
        "isNotificationAgreement": true,
        "isAdAgreement": true,
        "isNightAdAgreement": true,
        "timezoneId" : "Asia/Seoul",
        "country": "KR",
        "language": "ko",
        "uid" : "User ID",
        "token" : "Token"
    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true or false,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
  • The API requires a secret key and must be called from a server.



[Method, URL]

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}

[Request Body]

    "target" : {
        "type" : "ALL"
    "content" : {
        "default" : {
            "title": "title",
            "body": "body"
    "messageType" : "NOTIFICATION"

[Response Body]

    "message" : {
        "messageId" : long
    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true or false,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
Parameter Usage
target.type Required, String ALL, CHANNEL, UID Optional, String Array 100 if target.type is CHANNEL, and 10,000 if it is UID.
target.pushTypes Optional, String Array GCM, APNS, APNS_SANDBOX, TENCENT, ADM
target.countries Optional, String Array ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3. 3 bytes.
content Required, Map 8192 bytes
content.default Required, Map
content.default.title Optional, String
content.default.body Optional, String
messageType Required, String NOTIFICATION, AD
contact Optional, String Required, if messageType is AD.
removeGuide Optional, String Required, if messageType is AD.
timeToLive Optional, Number By the minute, which is more than 1, including 0 (unlimited). Default is 60.
isStored Optional, Boolean Whether to save messages or not: default is false.
  • Messages can be delivered only in particular push types, with the "target.pushTypes" field. If not defined, they can be delivered to all push types, including, GCM, APNS, APNS_SANDBOX, TENCENT, and ADM.
  • If the "target.countries" field is "['KR', 'JP']", messages are delivered to tokens of which the national codes are "KR" or "JP".
  • "content.default" is a required field, and for more details regarding "content", see [Common Message Format] as below.
  • To send messages in the "messageType": "AD" type, it is required to include the "contact" and "removeGuide" fields. Enter contact information in "contact", and how to withdraw receiving in "removeGuide".
  • With the timeToLiveMinute setting, delivery delays beyond certain configured time shall be automatically processed as failure.

["target" Example]

If "target.type" is "ALL", "" is not required. 
Request Body
    "target" : {
        "type" : "ALL"
    "content" : {
        "default" : {
            "title": "title",
            "body": "body"
If "target.type" is "UID" or "CHANNEL", enter uid or channel name to sent to "".
Request Body
    "target" : {
        "type" : "UID",
        "to" : ["uid-01", "uid-02"]
    "content" : {
        "default" : {
            "title": "title",
            "body": "body"

["messageType" Example]

To send general push notification messages, instead of ad push messages, 
set "messageType" as "NOTIFICATION", and do not enter "contact" and "removeGuide".
Request Body
    "target" : {
        "type" : "ALL"
    "content" : {
        "default" : {
            "title": "title",
            "body": "body"
    "messageType" : "NOTIFICATION"
To send ad push messages, set "messageType" as "AD", and enter contact in "contact" and how to withdraw consent of receiving in "removeGuide".
Request Body
    "target" : {
        "type" : "ALL"
    "content" : {
        "default" : {
            "title": "title",
            "body": "body"
    "messageType": "AD",
    "contact": "Contact",
    "removeGuide": "How to withdraw conset of receiving"

Common Messages

Common message type is supported from API v1.3. When messages are written for "content" as described in the below table, messages are created and sent to suit for each push type.

Reserved Word Platform Usage GCM APNS TENCENT ADM
title Android,
iOS Watch,
Optional, String data.title aps.alert.title title data.title
body Android,
Optional, String data.body aps.alert.body content data.body
title-loc-key iOS Optional, String - aps.alert.title-loc-key - -
title-loc-args iOS Optional, Array of Strings - aps.alert.title-loc-args - -
action-loc-key iOS Optional, String - aps.alert.action-loc-key - -
loc-key iOS Optional, String - aps.alert.loc-key - -
loc-args iOS Optional, Array of String - aps.alert.loc-args - -
launch-image iOS Optional, String - aps.alert.launch-image - -
badge iOS Optional, Number - aps.badge - -
sound Android,
Optional, String data.sound aps.sound custom_content.sound data.sound
content-available iOS Optional, String - aps.content-available - -
category iOS Optional, String - aps.category - -
mutable-content iOS Optional, String - aps.mutable-content - -
consolidationKey ADM Optional, String - - - consolidationKey
expiresAfter ADM Optional, Number - - - expiresAfter

Other user-defined words are included to Custom Key/Value as follows:

Reserved Word Platform Usage GCM APNS TENCENT ADM
customKey Android,
data.customKey customKey custom_content.customKey data.customKey

["content" Example]

"content.default" must be included. "content.ko" and "content.ja" below are language token values of a language. 
Message is sent for each token's language code. 
Request Body
    "target" : {
        "type" : "ALL"
    "content" : {
        "default" : {
            "title": "title",
            "body": "body",
            "badge": 1,
            "key": "value"
        "ko" : {
            "title": "title",
            "body": "body"
            "key": "value"
        "ja" : {
            "title": "タイトル",
            "body": "プッシュ・メッセージ"
    "messageType" : "NOTIFICATION"
"ko" GCM message 
    "data": {
        "title": "title",
        "body": "body",
        "key": "value"
"ja" GCM message
    "data": {
        "title": "タイトル",
        "body": "プッシュ・メッセージ",
        "key": "value"
"ko" APNS message
    "aps": {
        "alert": {
            "title": "title",
            "body": "body"
        "badge": 1
    "key": "값"

"ja" APNS message
    "aps": {
        "alert": {
            "title": "タイトル",
            "body": "プッシュ・メッセージ"
        "badge": 1
    "key": "value"
"ko" TENCENT message
    "title": "title",
    "body": "body",
    "custom_content": {
        "key": "value"
"ja" TENCENT message 
    "title": "タイトル",
    "body": "プッシュ・メッセージ",
    "custom_content": {
        "key": "value"
"ko" ADM message
"ja" ADM message


[Method, URL]

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}

[Response Body]

  "header": {
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "SUCCESS",
    "isSuccessful": true
  "message": {
    "messageId": 42983,
    "messageType": "NOTIFICATION",
    "target": {
      "type": "ALL",
      "pushTypes": [
    "content": {
      "default": {
        "title": "title",
        "body": "body"
    "targetCount": 1048576,
    "timeToLive": 0,
    "sentTime": "2015-11-23T18:39:38.000+0900",
    "createdDateTime": "2015-11-23T18:39:38.000+0900",
    "messageStatus": "COMPLETE"

"messageStatus" shows the status of a message, as follows:

  • READY: Request for message delivery has been registered.
  • PROCESSING: Message is completely created, and ready or under delivery.
  • COMPLETE: Message delivery is completed.
  • CANCEL_NO_TARGET: Message delivery has been canceled as target is unavailable. Delivery may be canceled on the following accounts:

​ When there is no registered token;
When there is no channel or UID at issue;
For ad push messages, when no user has agreed to receive ones; For night-time ad push messages (21pm to 8am), when no user has agreed to receive ones; and,  
When there is no available token, since previously-registered tokens are deleted.

  • CANCEL_INVALID_CERTIFICATE: Canceled because certificate is invalid. Check certificate status.
  • CANCEL_INVALID_MESSAGE: Canceled due to invalid message type.
  • CANCEL_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_TYPE: Canceled due to invalid message type.
  • CANCEL_UNAUTHORIZED: Failed while authenticating certificate. Check certificate status.
  • CANCEL_UNKNOWN: Error has occurred internally.



[Method, URL]

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}

[Response Body]

    "feedback" : [{
        "uid" : "Uid",
        "token" : "Deleted Token",
        "newToken" : "New Token. Nullable",
        "pushType" : "GCM",
        "updateTime" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true or false,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."

  • Document Updates
    • (2017.02.23) Document on Query Token API updated