Notification > Email > API v2.1 Guide

v2.1 API 소개

  1. 조회 API 응답 변경
    • 메일 조회 API의 응답에 statId가 추가되었습니다.

[API Domain]

Environment Domain


Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Secret Key

  • 콘솔에서 확인 가능합니다.
  • Secret Key가 필요한 API를 호출할 때, 헤더에 아래와 같이 설정해서 호출해야 합니다.
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}

CONSOLE > Notification > Email > URL & AppKey 에서 확인/생성할 수 있습니다.

[Caution for Curl Example]

  • Curl Example may not be properly requested in Windows cmd.

Mail Delivery

Send General Mails



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/mail

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Required Description
senderAddress String O Sender's mail address
senderName String X Sender's name
requestDate String X Enter current time when delivery time is missing (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
title String O Title
body String O Body
attachFileIdList List:String X ID of uploaded attachment
templateId String X ID of delivery template
templateParameter Object X Replacement parameter (to enter mail title/body for replacement)
- #key# String X Replacement key (##key##)
- #value# Object X Mapped value for replacement key
receiverList List O List of recipients
Send up to 1,000 persons (including recipients and cc recipients)
- receiveMailAddr String O Recipient's email address
- receiveName String X Recipient's name
- receiveType String O Recipient type (MRT0: recipient , MRT1: Cc, MRT2: Bcc)
customHeaders Map X Custom Header
senderGroupingKey String X Sender's group key
userId String X Delimiter of delivery e.g.) admin, system
statsId String X Statistics ID (not included in the delivery search conditions)


  • On a template, senderAddress, title, and body are not required. These values, if left empty, can be replaced by registered values on template.
  • On a template, senderAddress, senderName, title, body, and templateType, if available, are applied before template-registered values.

[Example 1]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/mail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "senderAddress": "",
    "senderName": "발송자이름",
    "title": "샘플 타이틀",
    "body": "샘플 내용",
    "receiverList": [{
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객1",
            "receiveType": "MRT0"
        }, {
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객2",
            "receiveType": "MRT1"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"

[Example 2 - Using Templates]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/mail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "templateId": "TEMPLATE1",
    "templateParameter": {
        "key": "value"
    "receiverList": [{
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객1",
            "receiveType": "MRT0"
        }, {
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객2",
            "receiveType": "MRT1"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"


    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "requestId": "20190101000000ABCDEFG0",
            "results": [
                    "receiveMailAddr": "",
                    "receiveName": "receiver",
                    "receiveType": "MRT0",
                    "resultCode": 0,
                    "resultMessage": "success"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- results List Delivery result
--- receiveMailAddr String Recipient's mail address
--- receiveName String Recipient's name
--- receiveType String Recipient type (MRT0: recipients , MRT1: Cc, MRT2: Bcc)
--- resultCode Integer Result code of recipient delivery request
--- resultMessage String Result message of recipient delivery request

Send Individual Mails

  • Mails can be sent to each of many recipients. Even if a same mail is sent to many recipients, each recipient can find his or her name only.



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/eachMail

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Required Description
senderAddress String O Sender's mail
senderName String X Sender's name
requestDate String X Enter current time when delivery time is missing (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
title String O Title
body String O Body
attachFileIdList List:Integer X ID for uploaded attached file
templateType String X Template type
templateId String X ID for delivery template
receiverList List O List of recipients
Send up to 1,000 persons
- receiveMailAddr String O Recipient's mail address
- receiveName String X Recipient's name
- templateParameter Object X Replacement parameter (to enter mail title/body for replacement)
-- #key# String X Replacement key (##key##)
-- #value# Object X Mapped value for replacement key
customHeaders Map X Custom Header
senderGroupingKey String X Sender's group key
userId String X Delimiter for delivery e.g.) admin,system
statsId String X Statistics ID (not included in the delivery search conditions)


  • On a template, senderAddress, title, and body are not required. These values, if left empty, can be replaced by registered values on template.
  • On a template, senderAddress, senderName, title, body, and templateType, if available, are applied before template-registered values.

[Example 1]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/eachMail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "senderAddress": "",
    "senderName": "발송자이름",
    "title": "샘플 타이틀",
    "body": "샘플 내용",
    "attachFileIdList": [1, 2],
    "receiverList": [{
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객1"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"

[Example 2 - Using Templates]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/eachMail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "templateId": "TEMPLATE1",
    "receiverList": [{
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객1",
            "templateParameter": {
                "key": "value"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"


    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "requestId": "20190101000000ABCDEFG0",
            "results": [
                    "receiveMailAddr": "",
                    "receiveName": "receiver",
                    "receiveType": "MRT0",
                    "resultCode": 0,
                    "resultMessage": "success"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- results List Delivery result
--- receiveMailAddr String Recipient's mail address
--- receiveName String Recipient's name
--- receiveType String Recipient type (MRT0: recipients , MRT1: Cc, MRT2: Bcc)
--- resultCode Integer Result code of recipient delivery request
--- resultMessage String Result message of recipient delivery request

Sending General Ad Mails

  • Request and response information is same as in sending general mails.

Caution for Sending Ad Mails


Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/ad-mail

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Example 1]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/ad-mail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "senderAddress": "",
    "senderName": "발송자이름",
    "title": "(광고) 샘플 타이틀",
    "body": "샘플 내용 <br /> ##BLOCK_RECEIVER_LINK## <br />##EN_BLOCK_RECEIVER_LINK##",
    "receiverList": [{
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객1",
            "receiveType": "MRT0"
        }, {
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객2",
            "receiveType": "MRT1"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"

[Example 2 - Using Templates]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/ad-mail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "templateId": "TEMPLATE1",
    "templateParameter": {
        "key": "value"
    "receiverList": [{
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객1",
            "receiveType": "MRT0"
        }, {
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객2",
            "receiveType": "MRT1"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"

Sending Individual Ad Mails

  • Request and response information is same as in sending individual mails.


Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/ad-eachMail

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Example 1]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/ad-eachMail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "senderAddress": "",
    "senderName": "발송자이름",
    "title": "(광고) 샘플 타이틀",
    "body": "샘플 내용 <br /> ##BLOCK_RECEIVER_LINK## <br />##EN_BLOCK_RECEIVER_LINK##",
    "attachFileIdList": [1, 2],
    "receiverList": [{
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객1"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"

[Example 2 - Using Templates]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/ad-eachMail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "templateId": "TEMPLATE1",
    "receiverList": [{
            "receiveMailAddr": "",
            "receiveName": "고객1",
            "templateParameter": {
                "key": "value"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"

Send Authenticated Mails



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/auth-mail

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Required Description
senderAddress String O Sender's address
senderName String X Sender's name
requestDate String X Enter current time when delivery time is missing (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
title String O Title
body String O Body
templateId String X ID for delivery template
receiver Object O Recipient
- receiveMailAddr String O Recipient's mail address
- receiveName String X Recipient's name
- templateParameter Object X Replacement parameter (to enter mail title/body for replacement)
-- #key# String X Replacement key (##key##)
-- #value# Object X Mapped value for replacement key
customHeaders Map X Custom Header
userId String X Delimiter for delivery e.g.) admin,system
statsId String X Statistics ID (not included in the delivery search conditions)


  • On a template, senderAddress, title, and body are not required. These values, if left empty, can be replaced by registered values on template.
  • On a template, senderAddress, senderName, title, body, and templateType, if available, are applied before template-registered values.

Differences from General Mails

Features of authenticated mails are as follows:

  • Allows only single-case deliveries (one recipient).
  • File attachment is not supported. Templates including attachment are not supported.

[Example 1]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/auth-mail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "senderAddress": "",
    "senderName": "발송자이름",
    "title": "샘플 타이틀",
    "body": "샘플 내용",
    "receiver": {
        "receiveMailAddr": "",
        "receiveName": "고객1"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"

[Example 2 - Using Templates]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/auth-mail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "templateId": "TEMPLATE1",
    "receiver": {
        "receiveMailAddr": "",
        "receiveName": "고객1",
        "templateParameter": {
            "key": "value"
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"


    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "requestId": "20190101000000ABCDEFG0",
            "results": [
                    "receiveMailAddr": "",
                    "receiveName": "receiver",
                    "receiveType": "MRT0",
                    "resultCode": 0,
                    "resultMessage": "success"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- results List Delivery result
--- receiveMailAddr String Recipient's mail address
--- receiveName String Recipient's name
--- receiveType String Recipient type (MRT0: recipients , MRT1: Cc, MRT2: Bcc)
--- resultCode Integer Result code of recipient delivery request
--- resultMessage String Result message of recipient delivery request

Send Tagged Mails



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/tagMail

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request body]

Value Type Required Description
senderAddress String O Sender's address
senderName String X Sender's name
requestDate String X Enter current time when delivery time is missing (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
title String O Title
body String O Body
templateId String X Template ID
adYn String X Advertisement or not (default is 'N')
autoSendYn String X Automatic delivery or not (default is 'Y')
attachFileIdList List:String X List of attached files
tagExpression List:String O Tag expression (including Tag ID)
customHeaders Map X Custom Header
userId String X Delimiter of delivery e.g.) admin, system
statsId String X Statistics ID (not included in the delivery search conditions)

[Example 1]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/tagMail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "senderAddress": "",
    "senderName": "발송자이름",
    "title": "샘플 타이틀",
    "body": "샘플 내용",
    "attachFileIdList": [1, 2],
    "tagExpression": ["tag1", "AND", "tag2"],
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"

[Example 2 - Using Templates]

curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/tagMail' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "templateId": "TEMPLATE1",
    "tagExpression": ["tag1", "AND", "tag2"],
    "userId": "USER",
    "statsId": "statsId"


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "requestId": "20190101000000ABCDEFG0"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- requestId String Request ID

Upload Attached Files



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/attachfile/binaryUpload

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Required Description
fileName String O File name
fileBody Byte[] O Byte[] of a file
createUser String X File uploader information


curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/attachfile/binaryUpload' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "fileName": "file.csv",
    "createUser": "USER",
    "fileBody": []


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful":  Boolean,
    "resultCode": Integer,
    "resultMessage": String
  "body": {
    "data": {
      "fileId": Integer,
      "fileName": String
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- fileId Integer File ID
-- fileName String File name

Title/Body Replacement

Default Type

  • Enter in the (##Replacement Key##) format to replace with user-defined templateParameter.
* title: Hello, ##title_name## !!
* body: We send ##body_content##.
* title: Hello, clouc customer1 !!
* body: We send test2.

FreeMarker Type

* title: Hello, ${title_name}!!
* body: We send ${body_content}.
* title: Hello, cloud customer1!!
* body: We send test2.

Example of General Mail Request

    "senderAddress" : "",
    "templateId": "template1",
    "templateParameter" : {"title_name": "cloud customer1", "body_content": "test1"},
    "receiverList" : [
            "receiveMailAddr" : "",
            "receiveType" : "MRT0"

    "userId" : "tester"

Example of Individual Mail Request

    "senderAddress" : "",
    "templateId": "template1",
    "receiverList" : [
            "receiveMailAddr" : "",
            "templateParameter" : {"title_name": "cloud customer1", "body_content": "test1"}
            "receiveMailAddr" : "",
            "templateParameter" : {"title_name": "cloud customer2", "body_content": "test2"}

    "userId" : "tester"

Query of Mails

Query List of Mail Deliveries



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/mails

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query Parameter]

Value Type Required Description
requestId String O Request ID
startSendDate String O Delivery start date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
endSendDate String X Delivery end date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
startReceiveDate String X Receiving start date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
endReceiveDate String X Receiving end date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
senderAddress String X Sender's mail address
senderName String X Sender's name
receiveMailAddr String X Recipient's mail address
templateId String X Template number
mailStatusCode String X Delivery status code SST0: Preparing for sending, SST1: Sending, SST2: Sending completed, SST3: Sending failed, SST7: Not Authenticated
isReceived Boolean X Received or Not
isOpened Boolean X Opened or Not
senderGroupingKey String X Sender's group key
pageNum Integer X Page number (default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries (default: 15)
  • requestId, or startSendDate and endSendDate are required fields.


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/mails?startSendDate='"${START_DATE}"'&endSendDate='"${END_DATE}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "pageNum": 1,
        "pageSize": 10,
        "totalCount": 1,
        "data": [
                "requestId": "20190101000000ABCDEFG0",
                "mailSeq": 0,
                "requestDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
                "templateId": "Template",
                "templateName": "Template Name",
                "senderName": "Sender",
                "senderAddress": "",
                "title": "Title",
                "mailStatusCode": "SST2",
                "mailStatusName": "발송완료",
                "isReceived": true,
                "resultDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
                "isOpened": true,
                "openedDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
                "receiveMailAddr": "",
                "receiveType": "MRT0",
                "receiveTypeName": "받는사람",
                "receiveName": "Receiver",
                "senderGroupingKey": "A_GROUP",
                "dsnCode": "2.5.0",
                "dsnMessage": "SUCCESS",
                "statsId": "statsId"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- pageNum Integer Current page number
- pageSize Integer Number of queried data
- totalCount Integer Number of total data
- data List Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- mailSeq String Mail sequence
-- requestDate String Date and time of sending
-- templateId String Template ID
-- templateName String Template name
-- senderName String Sender's name
-- senderAddress String Sender's mail address
-- title String Title
-- mailStatusCode String Delivery status code SST0: Preparing Delivery, SST1: Delivering, SST2: Delivery Completed, SST3: Delivery Failed, SST7: Not Authenticated
-- mailStatusName String Name of delivery status
-- isReceived Boolean Received or Not
-- resultDate String Date and Time of Receiving
-- isOpened Boolean Opened or Not
-- openedDate String Date and Time of Opening
-- receiveMailAddr String Recipient's mail address
-- receiveType String Recipient type (MRT0: recipient, MRT1: cc, MRT2: bcc)
-- receiveTypeName String Name of recipient type
-- receiveName String Name of recipient
-- senderGroupingKey String Sender's group key
-- dsnCode String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) Status Code
-- dsnMessage String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) Status Message
-- statsId String 통계 데이터 그룹핑을 위한 키

Query Mail Delivery Details



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/mail/{requestId}/{mailSeq}

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
requestId String Request ID
mailSeq Integer Mail sequence


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/mail/'"${REQUEST_ID}"'/'"${MAIL_SEQ}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "requestId": "20190101000000ABCDEFG0",
            "mailSeq": 0,
            "requestIp": "",
            "requestDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
            "mailStatusCode": "SST2",
            "mailStatusName": "발송완료",
            "templateId": "Template",
            "templateName": "Template Name",
            "senderName": "Sender",
            "senderAddress": "",
            "resultId": "<20190101000000ABCDEFG0@test>",
            "title": "Title",
            "body": "Body",
            "receiverList": [
                    "requestId": "20190101000000ABCDEFG0",
                    "mailSeq": 0,
                    "receiveType": "MRT0",
                    "receiveTypeName": "받는사람",
                    "receiveName": "Receiver",
                    "receiveMailAddr": "",
                    "isReceived": true,
                    "resultDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
                    "isOpened": true,
                    "openedDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
                    "dsnCode": "2.5.0",
                    "dsnMessage": "SUCCESS"
            "attachFileList": [
                    "fileType": "MAIL",
                    "fileId": 1,
                    "fileName": "test.jpg",
                    "filePath": "file/path",
                    "fileSize": 1,
                    "createDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
            "customHeaders": {
                "Content-Type": "text/html"
            "senderGroupingKey": "A_GROUP",
            "statsId": "statsId"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- mailSeq Integer Mail sequence
-- requestIp String Request IP
-- requestDate String Date and time of requesting
-- mailStatusCode String Delivery status
-- mailStatusName String Name of delivery status
-- templateId String Template ID
-- templateName String Template name
-- senderName String Sender's name
-- senderAddress String Sender's mail address
-- resultId String Mail delivery ID
-- title String Mail title
-- body String Mail body
-- receiverList List List of recipients
--- requestId String Request ID
--- mailSeq Integer Mail sequence
--- receiveType String Recipient type
MRT0: to , MRT1: cc, MRT2: bcc
--- receiveTypeName String Name of recipient type
--- receiveName String Recipient's name
--- receiveMailAddr String Recipient's mail address
--- isReceived Boolean Received or Not
--- resultDate String Date and Time of Receiving
--- isOpened Boolean Opened or Not
--- openedDate String Date and Time of Opening
--- dsnCode String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) Status Code
--- dsnMessage String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) Status Message
-- attachFileList List List of attached files
--- fileType String Type of attached files
MAIL: files attached to mail, TEMPLATE: files attached to template
--- fileId Integer File ID
--- fileName String Name of attached file
--- filePath String Path of attached file
--- fileSize Integer Size of attached file (byte)
--- createDate String Date and time of creation
-- customHeaders Map Custom Header
-- senderGroupingKey String Sender's group key
-- statsId String 통계 데이터 그룹핑을 위한 키

대량 메일 리스트 조회



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/mass-mails

[Path parameter]

타입 설명
appKey String 고유의 appKey

[Query parameter]

타입 필수 설명
requestId String O 요청 ID
startSendDate String O 발송 날짜 시작 값(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
endSendDate String O 발송 날짜 종료 값(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
senderMail String X 발신메일 주소
senderName String X 발신자 이름
templateId String X 템플릿 ID
sendStatus String X 발송상태 코드
WAIT: 대기, READY: 발송준비,
SENDREADY: 발송준비완료, SENDWAIT: 발송대기,
FAIL: 발송실패, CANCEL: 발송취소
pageNum Integer X 페이지 번호 1(기본값)
pageSize Integer X 조회 건수 15(기본값)


  "X-Secret-Key": String
타입 필수 설명
X-Secret-Key String O 고유의 secretKey [참고]


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/mass-mails?startSendDate='"${START_DATE}"'&endSendDate='"${END_DATE}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


            "requestDate":"2021-08-06 18:43:00",
            "senderName":"NHN Cloud",
            "createDate":"2021-08-06 18:43:03",
            "updateDate":"2021-08-06 18:43:03",
            "statsId": "statsId"
타입 설명
header Object 헤더 영역
- isSuccessful Boolean 성공 여부
- resultCode Integer 실패 코드
- resultMessage String 실패 메시지
body Object 본문 영역
- pageNum Integer 현재 페이지 번호
- pageSize Integer 조회된 데이터 건수
- totalCount Integer 총 데이터 건수
- data Object 데이터 영역
-- requestId String 요청 ID
-- requestDate String 요청 일시
-- sendStatus String 발송상태 코드
WAIT: 대기, READY: 발송준비,
SENDREADY: 발송준비완료, SENDWAIT: 발송대기,
FAIL: 발송실패, CANCEL: 발송취소
-- sendStatusName String 발송 상태 명
-- templateId String 템플릿 ID
-- templateName String 템플릿 명
-- senderName String 발신자 이름
-- senderAddress String 발신자 메일주소
-- title String 메일 제목
-- body String 메일 내용
-- adYn String 광고여부
-- createDate String 생성 일시
-- updateDate String 수정 일시
-- statsId String 통계 데이터 그룹핑을 위한 키

대량 메일 발송 수신자 조회



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/mass-mails/{requestId}

[Path parameter]

타입 설명
appKey String 고유의 appKey
requestId String 요청 ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
타입 필수 설명
X-Secret-Key String O 고유의 secretKey [참고]

[Query parameter]

타입 필수 설명
receiveMailAddr String X 수신 메일 주소
startReceiveDate String X 수신 날짜 시작 값(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
endReceiveDate String X 수신 날짜 종료 값(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
mailStatusCode String X 발송상태 코드
SST0:발송준비, SST1:발송중,
SST2:발송완료, SST3: 발송실패, SST7: 미인증
pageNum Integer X 페이지 번호 1(기본값)
pageSize Integer X 조회 건수 15(기본값)


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/mass-mails/'"${REQUEST_ID}"'?startSendDate='"${START_DATE}"'&endSendDate='"${END_DATE}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


            "resultDate":"2021-08-06 13:02:00",
            "openedDate":"2021-08-06 12:34:30",
            "createDate":"2021-08-06 12:01:41",
            "updateDate":"2021-08-06 12:02:00",
            "statsId": "statsId"
타입 설명
header Object 헤더 영역
- isSuccessful Boolean 성공 여부
- resultCode Integer 실패 코드
- resultMessage String 실패 메시지
body Object 본문 영역
- pageNum Integer 현재 페이지 번호
-pageSize Integer 조회된 데이터 건수
- totalCount Integer 총 데이터 건수
- data List 데이터 영역
-- requestId String 요청 ID
-- mailSeq Integer 메일 순번
-- mailStatusCode String 메일 상태 코드
SST0:발송준비, SST1:발송중,
SST2:발송완료, SST3: 발송실패, SST7: 미인증
-- mailStatusName String 메일 상태명
-- resultId String SMTP ID
-- receiveType String 수신자 타입
MRT0 : 받는사람 , MRT1 : 참조, MRT2 : 숨은참조
-- receiveTypeName String 수신자 타입 명
-- receiveName String 수신자 이름
-- receiveMailAddr String 수신자 메일 주소
-- isReceived Boolean 수신 여부
-- resultDate String 수신 일시
-- isOpened Boolean 읽음 여부
-- openedDate String 읽은 일시
-- dsnCode String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) 상태 코드
-- dsnMessage String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) 상태 메시지
-- createDate String 생성 일시
-- updateDate String 수정 일시
-- statsId String 통계 데이터 그룹핑을 위한 키

대량 메일 발송 상세 조회



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/mass-mails/{requestId}/{mailSeq}

[Path parameter]

타입 설명
appKey String 고유의 appKey
requestId String 요청 ID
mailSeq Integer 메일 순번


  "X-Secret-Key": String
타입 필수 설명
X-Secret-Key String O 고유의 secretKey [참고]


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/mass-mails/'"${REQUEST_ID}"'/'"${MAIL_SEQ}"' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


         "requestDate":"2021-08-06 12:31:00",
         "resultDate":"2021-08-06 12:34:30",
               "resultDate":"2021-08-06 12:34:30",
               "openedDate":"2021-08-06 12:34:30",
               "createDate":"2021-08-06 12:29:14"
         "statsId": "statsId"
타입 설명
header Object 헤더 영역
- isSuccessful Boolean 성공 여부
- resultCode Integer 실패 코드
- resultMessage String 실패 메시지
body Object 본문 영역
- data List 데이터 영역
-- requestId String 요청 ID
-- templateId String 템플릿 ID
-- templateName String 템플릿 명
-- mailStatusCode String 메일 상태 코드
SST0:발송준비, SST1:발송중,
SST2:발송완료, SST3: 발송실패, SST7: 미인증
-- mailStatusName String 메일 상태 명
-- requestDate String 요청 시간
-- senderName String 발신자 명
-- senderAddress String 발신자 주소
-- resultId String SMTP ID
-- resultDate String 실제 발송 시간
-- title String 제목
-- body String 내용
-- customHeaders Map 사용자 지정 헤더
-- receiverList List 수신자 리스트
--- requestId String 요청 ID
--- mailSeq Integer 메일 순번
--- receiveType String 수신자 타입 (MRT0 : 받는사람 , MRT1 : 참조, MRT2 : 숨은참조)
--- receiveTypeName String 수신자 타입명
--- receiveMailAddr String 수신자 메일 주소
--- isReceived Boolean 수신 여부
--- resultDate String 수신 일시
--- isOpened Boolean 읽음 여부
--- openedDate String 읽은 일시
--- dsnCode String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) 상태 코드
--- dsnMessage String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) 상태 메시지
-- attachFileList List 첨부파일 리스트
--- fileType String 첨부파일 타입 (MAIL: 메일에 첨부된 파일, TEMPLATE: 템플릿에 첨부된 파일)
--- fileId Integer 파일 ID
--- fileName String 첨부파일 이름
--- filePath String 첨부파일 경로
--- fileSize Integer 첨부파일 크기 (byte)
--- createDate String 생성 일시
-- statsId String 통계 데이터 그룹핑을 위한 키

Query Request for Tagged Mail Delivery



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/tagMails

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query Parameter]

Value Type Required Description
requestId String O Request ID
startSendDate String O Start date of delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
endSendDate String O End date of delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
senderMail String X Sender's mail address
senderName String X Sender's name
templateId String X Template ID
sendStatus String X Delivery status code WAIT: Waiting, READY: Ready, SENDREADY: Ready for Delivery, SENDWAIT: Waiting for Delivery, SENDING: Delivering, COMPLETE: Delivery Completed, FAIL: Delivery Failed, CANCEL: Delivery Canceled
pageNum Integer X Page number (default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries (default: 15)


  • If requestId is available, startSendDate and endSendDate are not required.
  • If startSendDate and endSendDate are available, requestId is not required.


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/tagMails?startSendDate='"${START_DATE}"'&endSendDate='"${END_DATE}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": Boolean,
        "resultCode": Integer,
        "resultMessage": String
    "body": {
        "pageNum": Integer,
        "pageSize": Integer,
        "totalCount": Integer,
        "data": [
                "requestId": String,
                "requestIp": String,
                "requestDate": String,
                "tagSendStatus": String,
                "tagExpression": List:String,
                "templateId": String,
                "templateName": String,
                "senderName": String,
                "senderMailAddress": String,
                "title": String,
                "body": String,
                "attachYn": String,
                "adYn": String,
                "createUser": String,
                "createDate": String,
                "updateUser": String,
                "updateDate": String,
                "statsId": String
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- pageNum Integer Current page number
-pageSize Integer Number of queried data
- totalCount Integer Total number of data
- data List Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- requestIp String Request IP
-- requestDate String Request time
-- tagSendStatus String Delivery status code WAIT: Waiting, READY: Ready, SENDREADY: Ready for Delivery, SENDWAIT: Waiting for Delivery, SENDING: Delivering, COMPLETE: Delivery Completed, FAIL: Delivery Failed, CANCEL: Delivery Canceled
-- tagExpression List:String Tag expression (including Tag ID)
-- templateId String Template ID
-- templateName String Template name
-- senderName String Sender's name
-- senderMail String Sender's address
-- title String Title
-- body String Body
-- attachYn String Attached or not
-- adYn String Ad or not
-- createUser String Creator
-- createDate String Date and time of creation
-- updateUser String Modifier
-- updateDate String Date and time of modification
-- statsId String 통계 데이터 그룹핑을 위한 키

Query Recipients of Tagged Mail Delivery



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/tagMails/{requestId}

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
requestId String Request ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query Parameter]

Value Type Required Description
receiveMail String X Recipient's mail address
startReceiveDate String X Start date of receiving (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
endReceiveDate String X End date of receiving (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
receiveStatus String X Delivery status code SST0: Preparing Delivery, SST1: Delivering, SST2: Delivery Completed, SST3: Delivery Failed, SST7: Not Authenticated
pageNum Integer X Page number (default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries (default: 15)


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/tagMails/'"${REQUEST_ID}"'?startSendDate='"${START_DATE}"'&endSendDate='"${END_DATE}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": Boolean,
        "resultCode": Integer,
        "resultMessage": String
    "body": {
        "pageNum": Integer,
        "pageSize": Integer,
        "totalCount": Integer,
        "data": [
                "requestId": String,
                "mailSequence": Integer,
                "receiveMail": String,
                "mailStatusCode": String,
                "mailStatusName": String,
                "resultId": String,
                "resultDate": String,
                "readYn": String,
                "readDate": String,
                "dsnCode": String,
                "dsnMessage": String,
                "createUser": String,
                "createDate": String,
                "updateUser": String,
                "updateDate": String,
                "statsId": String
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- pageNum Integer Current page number
-pageSize Integer Number of queried data
- totalCount Integer Total number of data
- data List Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- mailSequence Integer Mail sequence
-- receiveMail String Recipient's address
-- mailStatusCode String Delivery status code SST0: Preparing Delivery, SST1: Delivering, SST2: Delivery Completed, SST3: Delivery Failed, SST7: Not Authenticated
-- mailStatusName String Name of mail status
-- resultId String SMTP ID
-- resultDate String Time of actual delivery
-- readYn String Read or not
-- readDate String Read time
-- dsnCode String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) Status Code
-- dsnMessage String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) Status Message
-- createUser String Creator
-- createDate String Date and time of creation
-- updateUser String Modifier
-- updateDate String Date and time of modification
-- statsId String 통계 데이터 그룹핑을 위한 키

Query Details of Tagged Mail Delivery



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/tagMails/{requestId}/{mailSequence}

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
requestId String Request ID
mailSequence Integer Mail sequence


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/tagMails/'"${REQUEST_ID}"'/'"${MAIL_SEQ}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": Boolean,
        "resultCode": Integer,
        "resultMessage": String
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "requestId": String,
            "requestIp": String,
            "templateId": String,
            "templateName": String,
            "mailStatusCode": String,
            "mailStatusName": String,
            "requestDate": String,
            "resultDate": String,
            "senderName": String,
            "senderMail": String",
            "resultId": String,
            "title": String,
            "body": String",
            "receivers": [
                    "requestId": String,
                    "receiveType": String,
                    "receiveTypeName": String,
                    "receiveMailAddr": String,
                    "readYn": String,
                    "readDate": String,
                    "dsnCode": String,
                    "dsnMessage": String,
                    "mailSequence": String
            "attachFileList": [
                    "fileType": String,
                    "fileId": Integer
                    "fileName": String,
                    "filePath": String,
                    "fileSize": Integer,
                    "createDate": String
            "customHeaders": Map,
            "statsId": String
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- pageNum Integer Current page number
-pageSize Integer Number of queried data
- totalCount Integer Total number of data
- data List Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- requestIp String Request IP
-- templateId String Template ID
-- templateName String Template name
-- mailStatusCode String Mail status code SST0: Preparing Delivery, SST1: Delivering, SST2: Delivery Completed, SST3: Delivery Failed, SST7: Not Authenticated
-- mailStatusName String Name of mail status
-- requestDate String Request time
-- resultDate String Result time
-- senderName String Sender's name
-- senderMail String Sender's address
-- resultId String SMTP ID
-- title String Title
-- body String Body
-- receivers List List of recipients
--- requestId String Request ID
--- receiveType String Type of recipients (MRT0: recipient, MRT1: Cc, MRT2: Bcc)
--- receiveTypeName String Name of recipient type
--- receiveMailAddr String Recipient's mail address
--- readYn String Read or not
--- readDate String Read time
--- dsnCode String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) Status Code
--- dsnMessage String DSN(Delivery Status Notification) Status Message
--- mailSequence Integer Mail sequence
-- attachFileList List List of attached files
--- fileType String Type of attached file (MAIL: files attached to mail, TEMPLATE: files attached to template)
--- fileId Integer File ID
--- fileName String Name of attached file
--- filePath String Path of attached file
--- fileSize Integer Size of attached file (byte)
--- createDate String Date and time of creation
-- customHeaders Map Custom Header
-- statsId String 통계 데이터 그룹핑을 위한 키

Scheduled Delivery Management

List Scheduled Delivery



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/reservations

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/reservations' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 

[Query parameter]

Value Type Required Description
requestId String X Request ID
startSendDate String X Start date of sending (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
endSendDate String X End date of sending (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
senderMail String X Sender's mail address
receiveMail String X Recipient's mail address
templateId String X Template ID
pageNum Integer X Page number (default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries (default: 15)


      "pageNum": 1,
      "pageSize": 15,
            "requestDate":"2020-06-05 17:53:00",
            "statsId": "statsId"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- pageNum Integer Current page number
- pageSize Integer Number of queried data
- totalCount Integer Number of total data
- data List Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- mailSeq Integer Mail sequence
-- title String Title
-- templateId String Template ID
-- templateName String Template name
-- senderAddress String Sender's mail address
-- senderName String Sender's name
-- receiveMailAddr String Recipient's mail address
-- receiveName String Name of recipient
-- receiveType String Recipient type (MRT0: recipient, MRT1: cc, MRT2: bcc)
-- receiveTypeName String Name of recipient type
-- requestDate String Date and time of sending
-- mailStatusCode String Delivery status code
SST0: Preparing Delivery, SST1: Delivering
SST2: Delivery Completed, SST3: Delivery Failed
SST4: Scheduled Waiting, SST7: Not Authenticated
-- mailStatusName String Name of delivery status
-- senderGroupingKey String Sender's group key
-- statsId String 통계 데이터 그룹핑을 위한 키

Query Detail Scheduled Delivery



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/reservations/{requestId}/{mailSeq}

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
requestId String Request ID
mailSeq Integer Mail sequence


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/reservations/'"${REQUEST_ID}"'/'"${MAIL_SEQ}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


         "templateId": "TemplateId",
         "requestDate":"2020-06-05 00:00:00",
               "fileId": 123456,
               "createDate":"2020-06-03 23:44:27"
                "Content-Type": "text/html"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolea{}n Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- requestId String Request ID
-- mailSeq Integer Mail sequence
-- title String Mail title
-- body String Mail body
-- templateId String Template ID
-- templateName String Template name
-- senderAddress String Sender's mail address
-- senderName String Sender's name
-- requestDate String Date and time of sending
-- mailStatusCode String Delivery status code
SST0: Preparing Delivery, SST1: Delivering
SST2: Delivery Completed, SST3: Delivery Failed
SST4: Scheduled Waiting , SST7: Not Authenticated
-- mailStatusName String Name of delivery status
-- receiverList List List of recipients
--- requestId String Request ID
--- mailSeq Integer Mail sequence
--- receiveType String Recipient type (MRT0: recipient, MRT1: cc, MRT2: bcc)
--- receiveName String Name of recipient
--- receiveTypeName String Name of recipient type
--- receiveMailAddr String Recipient's mail address
-- attachFileList List List of attached files
--- fileType String Type of attached files
MAIL: files attached to mail, TEMPLATE: files attached to template
--- fileId Integer File ID
Attachments uploaded through the v1.0, v1.1 APIs are marked with a file ID value of -1
--- fileName String Name of attached file
--- filePath String Path of attached file
--- fileSize Integer Size of attached file (byte)
--- createDate String Date and time of creation
-- customHeaders Map Custom Header
-- senderGroupingKey String Sender's group key

Cancel Scheduled Delivery by Request



Http method URI
PUT /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/reservations/{requestId}

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
requestId String Request ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X PUT \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/reservations/'"${REQUEST_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode" : 0,
        "resultMessage" : "SUCCESS"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Cancel Scheduled Delivery by recipient



Http method URI
PUT /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/reservations/{requestId}/{mailSeq}

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
requestId String Request ID
mailSeq Integer Mail sequence


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X PUT \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/reservations/'"${REQUEST_ID}"'/'"${MAIL_SEQ}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode" : 0,
        "resultMessage" : "SUCCESS"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Cancel Scheduled Delivery - Multiple Filter



Http method URI
PUT /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/reservations/search-cancels

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request body]

    "searchParameter" : {
        "requestId" : "202006051209288SxRXhejd20",
        "startSendDate" : "2020-02-01 00:00",
        "endSendDate" : "2020-02-01 10:00",
        "senderMail" : "",
        "receiveMail" : "",
        "templateId" : "templateId"
    "updateUser" : "UpdateUser"
Value Type Required Description
searchParameter.requestId String X Request ID
searchParameter.startSendDate String O Start date of delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
searchParameter.endSendDate String O End date of delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
searchParameter.senderMail String X Sender's mail address
searchParameter.receiveMail String X Recipient's mail address
searchParameter.templateId String X Template ID
updateUser String O Requester of Scheduled Cancellation
  • startSendDate, endSendDate, updateUser are required fields.


curl -X PUT \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/reservations/search-cancels' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8'  \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "searchParameter": {
        "requestId": "202006051209288SxRXhejd20",
        "startSendDate": "2020-02-01 00:00",
        "endSendDate": "2020-02-01 10:00",
        "senderMail": "",
        "receiveMail": "",
        "templateId": "templateId"
    "updateUser": "UpdateUser"


    "header" : {
        "resultCode" : 0,
        "resultMessage" : "success",
        "isSuccessful" : true
    "body" : {
        "data" : {
            "reservationCancelId" : "202006051209288SxRXhejd20",
            "requestedDateTime" : "2020-06-05 16:09:24",
            "reservationCancelStatus" : "READY"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- reservationCancelId String Schedule Cancellation ID
-- requestedDateTime String Time for Schedule Cancellation(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
-- reservationCancelStatus String Status of Schedule Cancellation
- READY : Preparing for Scheduling
- PROCESSING : Cancelling Schedule
- COMPLETED : Schedule Cancellation Completed
- FAILED : Schedule Cancellation Failed

List Request of Scheduled Delivery Cancellation - Multiple Filter



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/sender/reservations/search-cancels

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query parameter]

Value Type Required Description
startRequestedDateTime String X Request Start Time for Schedule Cancellation(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
endRequestedDateTime String X Request End Time for Schedule Cancellation(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
reservationCancelId String X Schedule Cancellation ID
pageNum Integer X Page number (default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries (default: 15)


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/sender/reservations/search-cancels' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header" : {
        "resultCode" : 0,
        "resultMessage" : "success",
        "isSuccessful" : true
    "body" : {
        "pageNum" : 1,
        "pageSize" : 15,
        "totalCount" : 1,
        "data" : [
                "reservationCancelId" : "202006051209288SxRXhejd20",
                "searchParameter" : {
                    "serviceId" : 12345,
                    "requestId" : "2020060asdasd8SxRXhejd20",
                    "startSendDate" : "2020-06-01 00:00:00",
                    "endSendDate" : "2020-06-11 00:00:00",
                    "senderMail" : "",
                    "receiveMail" : "",
                    "templateId" : "templateId",
                    "sendStatus" : null,
                    "searchedBySendDate" : true
                "requestedDateTime" : "2020-06-05 12:09:28",
                "completedDateTime" : "2020-06-05 12:16:05",
                "reservationCancelStatus" : "COMPLETED",
                "totalCount" : 3,
                "successCount" : 3,
                "createUser" : "tester",
                "createdDateTime" : "2020-06-05 12:09:28",
                "updatedDateTime" : "2020-06-05 12:16:05"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- pageNum Integer Current page number
- pageSize Integer Number of queried data
- totalCount Integer Number of total data
- data List Data area
-- reservationCancelId String Schedule Cancellation ID
-- searchParameter Map Request Parameter for Schedule Cancellation
-- requestedDateTime String Request Time for Schedule Cancellation
-- completedDateTime String Request End Time for Schedule Cancellation
-- reservationCancelStatus String Status of Schedule Cancellation
- READY : Preparing for Scheduling
- PROCESSING : Cancelling Schedule
- COMPLETED : Schedule Cancellation Completed
- FAILED : Schedule Cancellation Failed
-- totalCount Integer Number of Scheduled Cancellation Targets
-- successCount Integer Number of Successful Schedule Cancellation
-- createUser String Requester of Scheduled Cancellation
-- createdDateTime String Request Creation Time for Schedule Cancellation
-- updatedDateTime String Modified Time for Scheduled Cancellation

Category Management




Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/categories

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query parameter]

Value Type Required Description
useYn String X Use or Not: Y, N
categoryParentId Integer X Parent category ID
pageNum Integer X Page number (default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries (default: 15)


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/categories' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "pageNum": 1,
        "pageSize": 15,
        "totalCount": 3,
        "data": [
                "categoryId": 12345,
                "categoryParentId": 0,
                "depth": 0,
                "categoryName": "Category",
                "categoryDesc": "Top Category",
                "useYn": "Y",
                "createUser": "user",
                "createDate": "2019-07-23 00:00:00.0",
                "updateUser": "user",
                "updateDate": "2019-07-23 00:00:00.0"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- pageNum Integer Current page number
- pageSize Integer Queried data count
- totalCount Integer Total data count
- data List Data area
-- categoryId Integer Category ID
-- categoryParentId Integer Parent category ID (0, for the highest-level category)
-- depth Integer Depth (0, for the highest-level category)
-- categoryName String Category name
-- categoryDesc String Category description
-- useYn String Use or not
-- createUser String Creator
-- createDate String Date and time of creation
-- updateUser String Modifier
-- updateDate String Date and time of modification

Query Details



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/categories/{categoryId}

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
categoryId String Category ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/categories/'"${CATEGORY_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' 


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "categoryId": 12345,
            "categoryParentId": 0,
            "depth": 0,
            "categoryName": "Category",
            "categoryDesc": "Top Category",
            "useYn": "Y",
            "createUser": "user",
            "createDate": "2019-07-23 00:00:00.0",
            "updateUser": "user",
            "updateDate": "2019-07-23 00:00:00.0"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data List Data area
-- categoryId Integer Category ID
-- categoryParentId Integer Parent category ID (0, for the highest-level category)
-- depth Integer Depth (0, for the highest-level category)
-- categoryName String Category name
-- categoryDesc String Category description
-- useYn String Use or not
-- createUser String Creator
-- createDate String Date and time of creation
-- updateUser String Modifier
-- updateDate String Date and time of modification




Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/categories

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request body]

Value Type Max Length Required Description
categoryParentId Integer - X Parent category ID
Highest-level category ID (default)
categoryName String 200 O Category name
categoryDesc String 1000 X Category description
useYn String 1 X Use or not: Y (default), N
userId String 50 X User ID


curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "categoryParentId": 12345,
    "categoryName": "Category",
    "categoryDesc": "Top Category",
    "useYn": "Y",
    "userId": "USER"


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "categoryId": 12346
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- categoryId Integer Cateogry ID




Http method URI
PUT /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/categories/{categoryId}

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
categoryId Integer Category ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request body]

Value Type Max Length Required Description
categoryName String 200 X Category name
categoryDesc String 1000 X Category description
useYn String 1 X Use or not: Y, N
userId String 50 X User ID


curl -X PUT \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/categories/'"${CATEGORY_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "categoryName": "Category",
    "categoryDesc": "Top Category",
    "useYn": "Y",
    "userId": "USER"


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message




Http method URI
DELETE /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/categories/{categoryId}

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
categoryId Integer Category ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X DELETE \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/categories/'"${CATEGORY_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Query of Templates

Query List of Templates



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/templates

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query Parameter]

Value Type Required Description
categoryId Integer X Category ID
useYn String X Use or Not (Y/N)
pageNum Integer X Page number (default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries (default: 15)
all Boolean X Query list of all templates or not


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/templates' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "body": {
        "pageNum": 1,
        "pageSize": 15,
        "totalCount": 1,
        "data": [
                "templateId": "TEMPLATE",
                "categoryId": 12345,
                "categoryName": "Category",
                "templateName": "Template",
                "templateDesc": "Template",
                "useYn": "Y",
                "delYn": "N",
                "title": "Title",
                "createDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00.0",
                "updateDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00.0"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- pageNum Integer Current page number
- pageSize Integer Number of queried data
- totalCount Integer Total number of data
- data List Data area
-- templateId String Template ID
-- categoryId Integer Category ID
-- categoryName String Category name
-- templateName String Template name
-- templateDesc String Template description
-- useYn String Use or not
-- delYn String Delete or not
-- title String Title
-- createDate String Date and time of creation
-- updateDate String Date and time of modification

Query Template Details



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/templates/{templateId}

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
templateId String Template ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/templates/'"${TEMPLATE_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "templateId": "TEMPLATE",
            "categoryId": 12345,
            "categoryName": "Category",
            "templateName": "Template",
            "templateDesc": "Template",
            "useYn": "Y",
            "delYn": "N",
            "sendMailAddress": "",
            "title": "Title",
            "templateType": "DEFAULT",
            "body": "Body",
            "createDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00.0",
            "updateDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00.0",
            "attachFileList": [
                    "fileType": "TEMPLATE",
                    "fileId": 12345,
                    "fileName": "test.csv",
                    "filePath": "file/path",
                    "fileSize": 10,
                    "createDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00.0"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data List Data area
-- templateId String Template ID
-- categoryId Integer Category ID
-- categoryName String Category name
-- templateName String Template name
-- templateDesc String Template description
-- useYn String Use or not (Y= In use, N= Not in use)
-- delYn String Delete or not (Y= Delete, N= Not delete)
-- sendMailAddress String Sender's mail address
-- title String Mail address
-- templateType String Template type
-- body String Body
-- createDate String Date and time of creation
-- updateDate String Date and time of modification
-- attachFileList List List of attached files
--- fileType String Attachment type (MAIL: Files attached to mail, TEMPLATE: Files attached to template)
--- fileId Integer File ID
--- fileName String Name of attached file
--- filePath String Path of attached file
--- fileSize Integer Size of attached file (byte)
--- createDate String Date and time of creation

Register Templates



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/templates

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request body]

Value Type Max Length Required Description
categoryId Integer - O Category ID
templateId String 50 O Template ID
templateName String 200 O Template name
templateDesc String 4000 X Template description
useYn String 1 X Use or not: Y (default), N
sendMailAddress String 300 O Sender's mail address
title String 500 O Mail title
templateType String 10 X Template type
body String - O Mail body
attachFileIdList List - X Attached file ID (fileId)
userId String 50 X User ID


curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/templates' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "categoryId": 1,
    "templateId": "TEAMPLTE_ID",
    "templateName": "템플릿 이름",
    "templateDesc": "템플릿 설명",
    "useYn": "Y",
    "sendMailAddress": "",
    "title": "메일 제목",
    "templateType": "DEFAULT",
    "body": "메일 내용",
    "attachFileIdList": [1, 2, 3],
    "userId": "USER"


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Upload Attached Files



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/templates/attachfile/binaryUpload

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request body]

Value Type Max Length Required Description
fileName String 100 O File name
fileBody Byte[] - O Byte [] value
userId String 50 X User ID


curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/templates/attachfile/binaryUpload' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "fileName": "file.csv",
    "userId": "USER",
    "fileBody": []


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful":  true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
  "body": {
    "data": {
      "fileId": 1,
      "fileName": "file.csv"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data Object Data area
-- fileId Integer File ID
-- fileName String File name


  • If a file is attached to a template after uploaded, the same file cannot be attached to another template: it must be modified or newly uploaded first, to be attached.

Modify Templates



Http method URI
PUT /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/templates/{templateId}

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
templateId String Template ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request body]

Value Type Max Length Required Description
templateName String 200 X Template name
templateDesc String 4000 X Template description
useYn String 1 X Use or not: Y, N
sendMailAddress String 300 X Sender's mail address
title String 500 X Mail title
templateType String 10 X Template type
body String - X Mail body
attachFileIdList List - X Attached file ID (fileId)
userId String 50 X User ID


curl -X PUT \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/templates/'"${TEMPLATE_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "templateName": "템플릿 이름",
    "templateDesc": "템플릿 설명",
    "useYn": "Y",
    "sendMailAddress": "",
    "title": "메일 제목",
    "templateType": "DEFAULT",
    "body": "메일 내용",
    "attachFileIdList": [1, 2, 3],
    "userId": "USER"


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Delete Templates



Http method URI
DELETE /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/templates/{templateId}

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
templateId String Template ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X DELETE \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/templates/'"${TEMPLATE_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Tag Management

Query Tags



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/tags

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query Parameter]

Value Type Required Description
pageNum Integer X Page number (Default : 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries (Default : 15)


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/tags' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "pageNum": 1,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "totalCount": 1,
        "data": [
                "tagId": "ABCD1234",
                "tagName": "TAG",
                "createdDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
                "updatedDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data List Data area
-- tagId String Tag ID
-- tagName String Tag name
-- createdDate String Date and time of creation
-- updatedDate String Date and time of modification

Register Tags



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/tags

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Required Description
tagName String O Tag name


curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/tags' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "tagName": "API-Guide-샘플-태그"


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "tagId": "ABCD1234"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data List Data area
-- tagId String Tag ID
  • 태그는 최대 2,048개까지 생성할 수 있습니다.
태그에 UID 추가 생성
  • 태그에 UID를 추가(append)하는 것으로, 기존에 있던 UID를 추가하면 UID의 태그는 늘어납니다.
  • 한 UID에 태그를 16개까지 추가할 수 있습니다.

Modify Tags



Http method URI
PUT /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/tags/{tagId}

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
tagId String Tag ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Required Description
tagName String O Tag name


curl -X PUT \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/tags/'"${TAG_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "tagName": "API-Guide-샘플-태그2"


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Delete Tags



Http method URI
DELETE /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/tags/{tagId}

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Desription
appKey String Original appKey
tagId String Tag ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X DELETE \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/tags/'"${TAG_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

UID Management

Query UIDs



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/uids

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query Parameter]

Value Type Required Description
wheres List:String X Query conditions.
Character strings comprised of alphabets, numbers, and parentheses.
Allows one parenthesis, and up to three AND or ORs.
e.g.) tagId1,AND,tagId2
offsetUid String X offset UID
offset Integer X offset (default: 0)
limit Integer X Number of queries (default: 15)


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/uids' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "uids": [
                    "uid": "UID",
                    "tags": [
                            "tagId": "ABCD1234",
                            "tagName": "TAG",
                            "createdDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
                            "updatedDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
                    "contacts": [
                            "contactType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
                            "contact": "",
                            "createdDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
            "isLast": false,
            "totalCount": 5
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data List Data area
-- uids List List of UIDs
--- uid String UID
--- tags List List of tag information
---- tagId String Tag ID
---- tagName String Tag name
---- createDate String Date and time of tag creation
---- updateDate String Date and time of tag modification
--- contacts List List of contacts
---- contactType String Contact type (EMAIL_ADDRESS)
---- contact String Contact (mail address)
---- createDate String Date and time of contact creation
-- isLast Boolean Last on list or not
-- totalCount Integer Total number of data

Get UIDs



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/uids/{uid}

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
uid String UID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/uids/'"${USER_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "data": {
            "uid": "UID",
            "tags": [
                    "tagId": "ABCD1234",
                    "tagName": "TAG",
                    "createdDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
                    "updatedDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
            "contacts": [
                    "contactType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
                    "contact": "",
                    "createdDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
Value Type Description
header Object Header are
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data List Data area
-- uid String UID
-- tags List List of tag information
--- tagId String Tag ID
--- tagName String Tag name
--- createDate String Date and time of tag creation
--- updateDate String Date and time of tag modification
-- contacts List List of contacts
--- contactType String Contact type
--- contact String Contact (mail address)
--- createDate String Date and time of contact creation

Register UIDs



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/uids

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Require Description
uid String O UID
tagIds List:String O List of tag IDs
contacts List O List of mail addresses
-contactType String O Contact type
-contact String O Contact (mail address)


  • When tagIds is provided, contacts is not required.
  • When contacts is provided, tagIds is not required.
  • For this product, contactType must be requested in the "EMAIL_ADDRESS" value.


curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/uids' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "uids": [{
            "uid": "sample-uid",
            "tagIds": [],
            "contacts": [{
                    "contactType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
                    "contact": ""


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Delete UIDs



Http method URI
DELETE /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/uids/{uid}

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
uid String UID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X DELETE \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/uids/'"${USER_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Register Mail Addresses



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/uids/{uid}/email-addresses

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
uid String UID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Required Description
emailAddress String O Mail address


curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/uids/'"${USER_ID}"'/email-addresses' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "emailAddress": ""


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Delete Mail Addresses



Http method URI
DELETE /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/uids/{uid}/email-addresses/{emailAddress}

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey
uid String UID
emailAddress String Mail address


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]


curl -X DELETE \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/uids/'"${USER_ID}"'/email-addresses/'"${EMAIL_ADDR}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Query Statistics

Query Daily Statistics



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/statistics/view

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query Parameter]

Value Type Required Description
from String O Start date of statistical query
yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm
to String O End date of statistical query
yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm
searchType String O Statistics Type
DATE: By date, TIME: By time, DAY: By day
mailTypes String X Mail Type
NORMAL: General, MASS: Mass
Multiple inputs are available (mailTypes=NORMAL&mailTypes=MASS)
adYn String X Ad or not
Y: Ad, N: Not an ad
All, if left blank
templateId String X Template ID


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/statistics/view?from='"${FROM}"'&to='"${TO}"'&searchType='"${SEARCH_TYPE}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "data": [
                "divisionName": "Tue",
                "requestedCount": 1,
                "sentCount": 1,
                "receivedCount": 1,
                "openedCount": 0,
                "sentRate": "100.00",
                "receivedRate": "100.00",
                "openedRate": "0.00"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- data List Data area
-- divisionName String Statistical criteria (date/time/day)
-- requestedCount Long Number of delivery requests
-- sentCount Long Number of deliveries
-- receivedCount Long Number of receipts
-- openedCount Long Number of openings
-- sentRate String Delivery rate
-- receivedRate String Receiving rate
-- openedRate String Opening rate

Rejection Management

Query Rejections



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/block-receivers

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Query Parameter]

Value Type Required Description
mailAddress String X Email address registered on the list of rejections
startBlockDate String X Start date of rejection (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
endBlockDate String X End date of rejection (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
pageNum Integer X Page number (default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries (default: 15)


curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/block-receivers' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "totalCount": 1,
        "data": [
                "mailAddress": "",
                "blockDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00.0"
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message
body Object Body area
- pageNum Integer Current page number
-pageSize Integer Number of queried data
- totalCount Integer Total number of data
- data List Data area
-- mailAddress String Email address to reject
-- blockDate String Date of rejection (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S)

Register Rejections



Http method URI
POST /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/block-receivers

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Required Description
blockReceiverList ㅣList O List of rejections
- mailAddress String O Email address to reject
- blockDate String X Date of rejection (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)


curl -X POST \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/block-receivers' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "blockReceiverList": [{
            "mailAddress": "",
            "blockDate": "2018-03-01 00:00:00"


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message

Delete Rejections



Http method URI
PUT /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/block-receivers

[Path Parameter]

Value Type Description
appKey String Original appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Original secretKey [Note]

[Request Body]

Value Type Required Description
deleted Boolean O Field specifying rejections are deleted
blockReceiverList ㅣList O List of rejections
- mailAddress String O Email address rejecting ads


curl -X PUT \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/block-receivers' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"'' \
-d '{
    "deleted": true,
    "blockReceiverList": [{
            "mailAddress": ""


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": null
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
- resultCode Integer Failure code
- resultMessage String Failure message


통계 조회



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/stats

[Path parameter]

타입 설명
appKey String 고유의 appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
타입 필수 설명
X-Secret-Key String O 고유의 secretKey [참고]

[Query parameter]

타입 필수 설명
eventCategory String O 이벤트의 카테고리. MESSAGE
statisticsType String X 검색된 통계 데이터의 표현 형식. NORMAL(기본값), MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, BY_DAY
timeUnit String X 통계 데이터의 시간 단위. 기본값은 조회 기간에 따라 결정, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS
from String X 조회 범위 시작 값, 최근 30일까지(ISO 8601, e.g. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSTZD, 2018-04-24T06:00:00.000%2B09:00)
to String X 조회 범위 종료 값, 최근 30일까지(ISO 8601, e.g. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSTZD, 2018-04-24T06:00:00.000%2B09:00)
extra1s Array String X eventCategory가 MESSAGE인 경우 메일 타입으로 필터링 가능. NORMAL, MASS, TAG, SMTP
extra2s Array String X eventCategory가 MESSAGE인 경우 발신 도메인으로 필터링 가능.
extra3s Array String X eventCategory가 MESSAGE인 경우 수신 도메인으로 필터링 가능.
messageId String X 메시지 아이디
statsIds Array String X 통계 이벤트 키 아이디
templateIds Array String X 템플릿 ID
statsCriteria Array String X 합계 시 통계 기준, 설정하지 않으면 기본값으로 합계를 계산. EVENT(기본값), EXTRA_1, EXTRA_2, EXTRA_3, TEMPLATE_ID
curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/stats?eventCategory='"${EVENT_CATEGORY}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "stats": [{
        "eventDateTime": "2020-08-12T00:00:00.000+09:00",
        "events": {
            "{statsCriteriaValue}.RECEIVED": 0,
            "{statsCriteriaValue}.SENT_FAILED": 0,
            "{statsCriteriaValue}.SENT": 0,
            "{statsCriteriaValue}.OPENED": 0
타입 설명
header Object 헤더 영역
- isSuccessful Boolean 성공 여부
- resultCode Integer 실패 코드
- resultMessage String 실패 메시지
stats Object 본문 영역
- eventDateTime String 이벤트 발생 시간
- events List 데이터 영역
-- {statsCriteriaValue} String {statsCriteriaValue}는 조회 조건으로 입력한 statsCriteria의 값입니다.
--- REQUESTED Integer 요청 건수
--- SENT Integer 발송 건수
--- SENT_FAILED Integer 실패 건수
--- RECEIVED Integer 성공 건수
--- OPENED Integer 읽은 건수

통계 합계 조회



Http method URI
GET /email/v2.1/appKeys/{appKey}/stats/total

[Path parameter]

타입 설명
appKey String 고유의 appKey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
타입 필수 설명
X-Secret-Key String O 고유의 secretKey [참고]

[Query parameter]

타입 필수 설명
eventCategory String O 이벤트의 카테고리. MESSAGE
statisticsType String X 검색된 통계 데이터의 표현 형식. NORMAL(기본값), MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, BY_DAY
timeUnit String X 통계 데이터의 시간 단위. 기본값은 조회 기간에 따라 결정, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS
from String X 조회 범위 시작 값, 최근 30일까지(ISO 8601, e.g. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSTZD, 2018-04-24T06:00:00.000%2B09:00)
to String X 조회 범위 종료 값, 최근 30일까지(ISO 8601, e.g. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSTZD, 2018-04-24T06:00:00.000%2B09:00)
extra1s Array String X eventCategory가 MESSAGE인 경우 메일 타입으로 필터링 가능. NORMAL, MASS, TAG, SMTP
extra2s Array String X eventCategory가 MESSAGE인 경우 발신 도메인으로 필터링 가능.
extra3s Array String X eventCategory가 MESSAGE인 경우 수신 도메인으로 필터링 가능.
messageId String X 메시지 아이디
statsIds Array String X 통계 이벤트 키 아이디
templateIds Array String X 템플릿 ID
statsCriteria Array String X 합계 시 통계 기준, 설정하지 않으면 기본값으로 합계를 계산. EVENT(기본값), EXTRA_1, EXTRA_2, EXTRA_3, TEMPLATE_ID
curl -X GET \
''"${APP_KEY}"'/stats?eventCategory='"${EVENT_CATEGORY}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key: '"${SECRET_KEY}"''


    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "total" : {
        "SENT" : 120,
        "SENT_FAILED" : 50,
        "RECEIVED": 0,
        "OPENED": 0
타입 설명
header Object 헤더 영역
- isSuccessful Boolean 성공 여부
- resultCode Integer 실패 코드
- resultMessage String 실패 메시지
total Object 본문 영역
- {statsCriteriaValue}.REQUESTED Integer 요청 건수
- {statsCriteriaValue}.SENT Integer 발송 건수
- {statsCriteriaValue}.SENT_FAILED Integer 실패 건수
- {statsCriteriaValue}.RECEIVED Integer 성공 건수
- {statsCriteriaValue}.OPENED Integer 읽은 건수