Application Service > ROLE > API Guide

To check permissions using the ROLE service, call the RESTful API or use the Client SDK.

AppKey & SecretKey

AppKey and Secret Key are required to use RESTful API and Client SDK. You can check the issued key information by clicking the URL & Appkey button on the top right of the [CONSOLE].

[Figure 1] Check AppKey & SecretKey

[Figure 1] Check AppKey & SecretKey

RESTful API Guide

Common Response Body

For all API requests, the HTTP response code is 200. For detailed response results, see the headers in the response body.

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
Key Type Description
header Object [Response Header]
header.isSuccessful boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode int Response code. Returns 0 on success or an error code on failure.
header.resultMessage String Response message. Returns "SUCCESS" on success or an error message on failure.

1. User

1.1. Register a User

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Request Body]

    "users": [
            "description": "",
            "relations": [
                    "roleId": "",
                    "scopeId": ""
            "userId": ""
Key Type Required Description
users List Yes User Registration Information
users[0].userId String Yes User ID
You can register up to 48 characters.
-_@. You can use special characters, and the ID must start and end with a letter and a number.
users[0].description String Yes User Description
You can register up to 128 characters.
users[0].relations List No User - Role relationship list
users[0].relations[0].roleId String Yes Role ID
users[0].relations[0].scopeId String Yes Scope ID
users[0].relations[0].validStartDate Date No Validity period start date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)
users[0].relations[0].validEndDate Date No End of validity date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "errors" : [
            "code": 0,
            "message": ""
Key Type Description
errors List Returns a list of errors, or an empty list if no errors occurred.
errors[0].code int Error Code
errors[0].message String Error Message

1.2. Get User

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE]
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "user": {
        "appKey": "",
        "description": "",
        "regYmdt": "2019-11-01T00:00:00.000+0000",
        "userId": ""
Key Type Description
user Object User Information
user.appKey String AppKey
user.userId String User ID
user.description String User Description
user.regYmdt Timestamp Registration Date

1.3. Get Users

If you pass in a Scope ID and Role ID, it will return only the Users with that role. If you set includeRelation to true, it will also include and return Users with roles that are related to the Role ID.

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Query Parameter]

Key Value Required
scopeId Scope ID No
roleId Role ID No
includeRelation true or false No

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode" : 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "users" :
            "description" : "",
            "regYmdt" : "2019-11-01T00:00:00.000+0000",
            "relations" :
                    "roleId" : "",
                    "scopeId" : ""
            "userId" : ""
Key Type Description
users List List of user information
users[0].appKey String AppKey
users[0].userId String User ID
users[0].description String User Description
users[0].regYmdt Timestamp Registration Date
users[0].relations List List of relationships assigned to User
users[0].relations[0].roleId String Role ID
users[0].relations[0].scopeId String Scope ID
users[0].relations[0].validStartDate Date Validity period start date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)
users[0].relations[0].validEndDate Date End of validity date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)

1.4. Get Bulk Users

API to get user information all at once

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/relations

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Request Body]

    "usersIds": [

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode" : 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "users" :
            "description" : "",
            "regYmdt" : "2019-11-01T00:00:00.000+0000",
            "relations" :
                    "userId" : "",
                    "roleId" : "",
                    "scopeId" : ""
            "userId" : ""
Key Type Description
users List List of user information
users[0].appKey String AppKey
users[0].userId String User ID
users[0].description String User Description
users[0].regYmdt Timestamp Registration Date
users[0].relations List List of relationships assigned to User
users[0].relations[0].userId String User ID
users[0].relations[0].roleId String Role ID
users[0].relations[0].scopeId String Scope ID
users[0].relations[0].validStartDate Date Validity period start date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)
users[0].relations[0].validEndDate Date End of validity date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)

1.5. Modify User Description

[Method, URL]

Method URI
PUT /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID

[Request Body]

    "description": ""
Key Type Required Description
description String Yes User Description

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

1.6. Delete User

[Method, URL]

Method URI
DELETE /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

1.7. Check Permissions

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}/authorizations

[Request Header]

Key Value
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID

[Request Body]

    "resources": [
            "operationId": "",
            "resourceId": "",
            "resourcePath": "",
            "scopeId": ""
Key Type Required Description
Resources List Yes Resource list to check permissions
resources[0].operationId String Yes Operation ID
resources[0].resourceId String No You must include one of the following values: Resource ID, Resource ID, and Path.
resources[0].resourcePath String No You must include one of the following values: Resource Path, Resource ID, and Path.
resources[0].scopeId String Yes Scope ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "authorizations": [
            "operationId": "",
            "permission": true,
            "resourceId": "",
            "resourcePath": "",
            "scopeId": ""
Key Type Description
authorizations List List of permission check results
authorizations[0].operationId String Operation ID
authorizations[0].permission boolean Permission check results
authorizations[0].resourceId String Resource ID
authorizations[0].resourcePath String Resource Path
authorizations[0].scopeId String Scope ID

1.8. Check Role Permissions

Returns whether the User has been granted a role. Also includes roles based on associations.

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}/authorizations/roles

[Request Header]

Key Value
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID

[Request Body]

    "roles": [
            "roleId": "",
            "scopeId": ""
Key Type Required Description
roles List Yes List of roles to check permissions
roles[0].roleId String Yes Role ID
roles[0].scopeId String Yes Scope ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "authorizations": [
            "permission": true,
            "roleId": "",
            "scopeId": ""
Key Type Description
authorizations List List of permission check results
authorizations[0].permission boolean Permission check results
authorizations[0].roleId String Role ID
authorizations[0].scopeId String Scope ID

1.9. Get Role assigned to User

Returns only directly granted roles. It does not return roles that are related to a role.

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}/roles

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID
userId User ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "relations": [
            "appKey": "",
            "roleId": "",
            "scopeId": "",
            "userId": ""
Key Type Description
relations List User - Role relationship list
relations[0].appKey String Operation ID
relations[0].roleId String Role ID
relations[0].scopeId String Scope ID
relations[0].userId String User ID
relations[0].validStartDate Date Validity period start date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)
relations[0].validEndDate Date End of validity date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)

1.10. Give User a Role

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}/roles

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID

[Request Body]

    "roleId": "",
    "scopeId": "",
    "createUserIfNotExist": false
Key Type Required Description
roleId String Yes Role ID
scopeId String Yes Scope ID
createUserIfNotExist Boolean No Whether to create a User when no User exists
validStartDate Date No Validity period start date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)
validEndDate Date No End of validity date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

1.11. Delete the Role assigned to User

[Method, URL]

Method URI
DELETE /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}/roles

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID

[Query Parameter]

Key Value Required
roleId Role ID Yes
scopeId Scope ID Yes

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

1.12. Delete an existing role for a user and give them a new role

[Method, URL]

Method URI
PUT /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}/roles

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID

[Request Body]

    "relations": [
            "roleId": "",
            "scopeId": ""
Key Type Required Description
relations List No User - Role relationship list
relations[0].roleId String Yes Role ID
relations[0].scopeId String Yes Scope ID

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

1.13. Set an expiration date for a role granted to a user

[Method, URL]

Method URI
PUT /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/users/{userId}/roles/valid-period

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
userId User ID

[Request Body]

    "roleId" : "",
    "scopeId" : ""
Key Type Required Description
roleId String Yes Role ID
scopeId String Yes Scope ID
validStartDate Date No Validity period start date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)
validEndDate Date No End of validity date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

2. Scope

2.1. Register a Scope

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/scopes

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Request Body]

    "description": "",
    "scopeId": ""
Key Type Required Description
scopeId String Yes Scope ID
You can register up to 32 characters.
You can use the -_ special character, and the ID must start and end with a letter and a number.
description String Yes Scope description
You can register up to 128 characters.

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

2.2. Get Scope

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/scopes/{scopeId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
scopeId Scope ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "scope": {
        "appKey": "",
        "description": "",
        "scopeId": ""
Key Type Description
scope Object Scope Information
scope.appKey String AppKey
scope.scopeId String Scope ID
scope.description String Scope description

2.3. Edit Scope Description

[Method, URL]

Method URI
PUT /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/scopes/{scopeId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
scopeId Scope ID

[Request Body]

    "description": ""
Key Type Required Description
description String Yes Scope description

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

2.4. Delete Scope

[Method, URL]

Method URI
DELETE /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/scopes/{scopeId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
scopeId Scope ID

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

2.5. Get relationships associated with Scope

Gets associations related to a Scope ID.

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/scope/{scopeId}/relations

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
scopeId Scope ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "relations": [
            "appKey": "",
            "roleId": "",
            "scopeId": "",
            "userId": ""
Key Type Description
relations List User - Role relationship list
relations[0].appKey String Operation ID
relations[0].roleId String Role ID
relations[0].scopeId String Scope ID
relations[0].userId String User ID

2.6. Get Scope List

Gets lists in the form of pages. Entering 1 for page and 10 for itemsPerPage will retrieve the first 10 lists.

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/scopes

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Query Parameter]

Key Value Required Description
scopeId Scope ID No
description No Description
page No Start with 1 as the page number you want to search
itemsPerPage No Number of records in the scopes for which you want results

[Response Body]

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "Success"
  "scopes": [
      "description": "",
      "scopeId": ""
  "totalItems": 0
Key Type Description
scopes List Scope Information
scopes[0].description String Scope description
scopes[0].scopeId String Scope ID
totalItems int Total number of scopes

3. Role

3.1. Register a Role

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Request Body]

    "description": "",
    "roleId": "",
    "roleName" :  "",
    "roleGroup" :  "",
    "exposureOrder": 0
Key Type Required Description
roleId String Yes Role ID
You can register up to 128 characters.
You can use the special characters -, _, ., :, and the ID must start and end with a letter and a number.
description String Yes Role description
You can register up to 128 characters.
roleName String No Role name
You can give it a meaningful name. It can be up to 128 characters long.
roleGroup String No Role Group
Roles can be grouped together for administrative purposes. You can register up to 128 characters.
exposureOrder int No Exposure order
Numeric only. Default value 0

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

3.2. Get Role

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles/{roleId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
roleId Role ID
roleName Role name
roleGroup Role Group

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "role": {
        "appKey": "",
        "description": "",
        "roleId": "",
        "roleName": "",
        "roleGroup": "",
        "exposureOrder": 0,
        "regDateTime": "",
        "roleTags": [ {"roleTagId": ""}]
Key Type Description
role Object About roles
role.appKey String AppKey
role.roleId String Role ID
role.description String Role description
role.roleName String Role name
role.roleGroup String Role group name
role.exposureOrder int Exposure order
role.regDateTime String At enrollment
role.roleTags Object About Tags
role.roleTags.roleTagId String Tag ID

3.3. Edit Role information

[Method, URL]

Method URI
PUT /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles/{roleId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
roleId Role ID

[Request Body]

  "description": "",
  "roleName": "",
  "roleGroup": "",
  "exposureOrder": 0
Key Type Required Description
description String Yes User Description
roleName String No Role name
You can give it a meaningful name. It can be up to 128 characters long.
roleGroup String No Role Group
Roles can be grouped together for administrative purposes. You can register up to 128 characters.
exposureOrder int No Exposure order

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

3.4. Delete a Role

[Method, URL]

Method URI
Delete /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles/{roleId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
roleId Role ID

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

3.5. Set up Role associations

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles/{roleId}/relations

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
roleId Role ID

[Request Body]

    "relatedRoleId": ""
Key Type Required Description
relatedRoleId String Yes Role ID to set the association to

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

3.6. Delete a Role association

[Method, URL]

Method URI
DELETE /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles/{roleId}/relations/{relatedRoleId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
roleId Role ID
relatedRoleId Associated Role ID

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

3.7. Assign User to Role

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles/{roleId}/users

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
roleId Role ID

[Request Body]

    "createUserIfNotExist": false,
    "users": [
            "scopeId": "",
            "userId": ""
Key Type Required Description
createUserIfNotExist Boolean No Whether to create a User when no User exists
users List Yes Users list
users[0].scopeId String No Scope ID, default ALL if not present
users[0].userId String Yes User ID
users[0].validStartDate Date No Validity period start date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)
users[0].validEndDate Date No End of validity date for the role granted to the user (end of support after 2024-01-23)

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

3.8. Get Roles

Gets lists in the form of pages. Entering 1 for page and 10 for itemsPerPage will retrieve the first 10 lists.

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Query Parameter]

Key Value Required
roleId Role ID No
description Description No
roleName Role name No
roleGroup Role Group name No
roleTagIds Tag Id Condition (;for OR, ,for AND) No
page Start with 1 as the page number you want to search No
itemsPerPage Number of records in the scopes for which you want results No

Through roleTagIds, you can search for the Tag set in the Role as an AND or OR condition when searching. For example, if you want to search for a role that has A and B tags in the role, you can create a condition as A;B, If you want to search for only one of the A or B Tags, you can create a condition with A,B. You can also create conditions such as (A;B),C.

[Response Body]

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "Success."
  "roles": [
      "description": "",
      "relatedRoleIds": [
      "roleId": "",
      "roleName": "",
      "roleGroup": "",
      "exposureOrder": 0,
      "regDateTime": "",
      "roleTags": [{ "roleTagId": ""}]
  "totalItems": 0
Key Type Description
roles List About roles
roles[0].description String Role description
roles[0].relatedRoleIds List Associated RoleIds
roles[0].roleId String Role ID
roles[0].roleName String Role name
roles[0].roleGroup String Role group name
roles[0].exposureOrder int Exposure order
roles[0].regDateTime String At enrollment
roles[0].roleTags Object About Tags
roles[0].roleTags.roleTagId String Tag ID
totalItems int Total number of roles

3.9. Create a Role Tag

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles/{roleId}/tags

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
roleId Role ID

[Request Body]

    "roleTagId": ""
Key Type Required Description
roleTagId String Yes Tag ID to assign

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

3.10. Delete Role Tag

[Method, URL]

Method URI
DELETE /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles/{roleId}/tags/{roleTagId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
roleId Role ID
roleTagId Tag ID

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

3.11. Get Role Tag

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/roles/{roleId}/tags

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
roleId Role ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "roleTags" : [{
        "roleTagId" : ""
Key Type Description
roleTags List About Tags
roleTags[0].roleTagId String Tag ID

4. Resource

4.1. Create a Resource

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/resources

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Request Body]

    "description": "",
    "metadata": "",
    "name": "",
    "path": "",
    "priority": 0,
    "resourceId": "",
    "uiPath": ""
Key Type Required Description
resourceId String Yes Resource ID
You can register up to 32 characters.
You can use the -_ special character, and the ID must start and end with a letter and a number.
name String No Not required.
path String Yes Resource path
You can register up to 1024 characters.
The Resource path must consist of a combination of '/'.
The exception is {}, which can represent a path variable.
description String Yes Resource Description
You can register up to 128 characters.
priority smallint Yes Priorities seen on the same path
The value can be between -32768 and 32767, with the lower values being more visible.
metadata String Yes Custom data
You can register up to 65536 characters.
uiPath String Yes UI Path Path
You can register up to 1024 characters.
The UI Path path must consist of a combination of the Resource name and a '/'.

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

4.2. Get Resource Hierarchy

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/resources/hierarchy

[Request Header]

Key Value
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Query Parameter]

Key Value Required
userId User ID No
roleId Role ID No
scopeId Scope ID No
operationId Operation ID No

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "resources": [
            "description": "",
            "metadata": "",
            "name": "",
            "path": "",
            "priority": 0,
            "resourceId": "",
            "resources": []
Key Type Description
Resources List Resource list
resources[0].resourceId String Resource ID
resources[0].description String Resource Description
resources[0].name String Resource name
resources[0].path String Resource path
resources[0].priority smallint Priority
resources[0].metadata String Custom data
resources[0].resources List Resource list

4.3. Get Resource

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/resources/{resourceId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
resourceId Resource ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "resource": {
        "appKey": "",
        "description": "",
        "metadata": "",
        "name": "",
        "path": "",
        "priority": 0,
        "resourceId": ""
Key Type Description
resource Object Resource information
resource.appKey String AppKey
resource.resourceId String Resource ID
resource.description String Resource Description String Resource name
resource.path String Resource path
resource.priority smallint Priority
resource.metadata String Custom data

4.4. Modify Resource

[Method, URL]

Method URI
PUT /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/resources/{resourceId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
resourceId Resource ID

[Request Body]

    "description": "",
    "metadata": "",
    "name": "",
    "path": "",
    "priority": 0
Key Type Required Description
name String No Not required.
path String Yes Resource path
You can register up to 1024 characters.
The Resource path must consist of a combination of '/'.
The exception is {}, which can represent a path variable.
description String Yes Resource Description
You can register up to 128 characters.
priority smallint Yes Priorities seen on the same path
The value can be between -32768 and 32767, with the lower values being more visible.
metadata String Yes Custom data
You can register up to 65536 characters.
uiPath String Yes UI Path Path
You can register up to 1024 characters.
The UI Path path must consist of a combination of the Resource name and a '/'.

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

4.5. Delete a Resource

[Method, URL]

Method URI
DELETE /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/resources/{resourceId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
resourceId Resource ID

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

4.6. Get permissions associated with a Resource

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/resources/{resourceId}/authorizations

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
resourceId Resource ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "authorizations": [
            "operationId": "",
            "roleId": ""
Key Type Description
authorizations List List of permissions information
authorizations[0].operationId String Operation ID
authorizations[0].roleId String Role ID

4.7. Add permissions to the Resource.

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/resources/{resourceId}/authorizations

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
resourceId Resource ID

[Request Body]

    "operationId": "",
    "roleId": ""
Key Type Required Description
operationId String Yes Operation ID
scopeId String No Scope ID, default ALL if not present

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

4.8. Get Resources

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/resources

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Query Parameter]

Key Value Required Description
userId No
roleId No
operationId No

[Response Body]

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "Success."
  "resources": [
      "description": "",
      "metadata": "",
      "name": "",
      "path": "",
      "priority": 0,
      "resourceId": "",
      "uiPath": ""
Key Type Description
Resources List Resource information
resources[0].description String Resource Description
resources[0].metadata String Custom data
resources[0].name String Resource name
resources[0].path String Resource path
resources[0].priority smallint Priority
resources[0].resourceId String Resource ID
resources[0].uiPath String uiPath

5. Operation

5.1. Register an Operation

[Method, URL]

Method URI
POST /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/operations

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Request Body]

    "description": "",
    "operationId": ""
Key Type Required Description
operationId String Yes Operation ID
You can register up to 32 characters.
You can use the -_ special character, and the ID must start and end with a letter and a number.
description String Yes Operation description
You can register up to 128 characters.

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

5.2. Get Operation

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/operations/{operationId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
operationId Operation ID

[Response Body]

    "header" : {
        "isSuccessful" : true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage" : "Success."
    "operation": {
        "appKey": "",
        "description": "",
        "operationId": ""
Key Type Description
operation Object Operation information
operation.appKey String AppKey
operation.operationId String Operation ID
operation.description String Operation description

5.3. Edit the Operation description

[Method, URL]

Method URI
PUT /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/operations/{operationId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
operationId Operation ID

[Request Body]

    "description": ""
Key Type Required Description
description String Yes Operation description

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

5.4. Delete an Operation

[Method, URL]

Method URI
DELETE /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/operations/{operationId}

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]
operationId Operation ID

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

5.5. Get Operations

[Method, URL]

Method URI
GET /role/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/operations

[Request Header]

Key Value
X-Secret-Key SecretKey issued by [CONSOLE].
Content-Type application/json

[Path Variable]

Key Value
appKey AppKey issued by [CONSOLE]

[Response Body]

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "Success."
  "operations": [
      "appKey": "",
      "description": "",
      "operationId": ""
Key Type Description
operations List Operation information
operations[0].appKey String AppKey
operations[0].description String Operation description
operations[0].operationId String Operation ID