Game > GameAnvil > Test Development Guide > Functional Test Development Guide


It is the default module for using GameHammer. It is responsible for the default settings and the Connection object. To create a Tester object, create a Builder first, configure the necessary options for a test and call build().

Tester tester = Tester.newBuilder() 

Option settings can be imported from outside. Specify a path using vmoption config.file=PATH or create the GameHammerConfg.json file under the resource folder so that the settings can be automatically read from TesterConfigLoader. The Tester to which the option settings read using the aforementioned method can be created.

Tester tester = Tester.newBuilderWithConfig() 


It handles the connection to the game server and authentication and takes care of users. Create Tester using as below:

Connection connection = tester.createConnection(uuid);

The created Connection object is managed by Tester and it is separated by UUID. If the UUID of an existing object is entered, it returns the corresponding object.

Connection provides the following features:


Connects to the GameAnvil server.

Future<ResultConnect> future = connection.connect(new RemoteInfo("", 18200)); 
ResultConnect resultConnect = futre.get(); // blocked 
    // connect success 

When you call get()on the Future returned by connect(), it waits for the connection to succeed or fail and returns a ResultConnect object. You can get the result from the returned ResultConnect object. You can also pass a callback as the second argument to connect()to get the result. Other APIs besides connect() can also return a Future and wait for the result, or pass a callback to get the result.


Request authentication to the GameAnvil server. The other features of the GameAnvil connector can be used only when the authentication is successful.

Future<ResultAuthentication> future = connection.authentication(accountId, password, deviceId, payload); 
ResultAuthentication resultAuthentication = future.get(); // blocked 
    // authentication success 


Request the list of channels available to the specified service.

Future<ResultChannelList> future = connection.getChannelList(serviceName); 
ResultChannelList resultChannelList = future.get(); // blocked 
    // authentication success 


Request the information of the specified channel.

Future<ResultChannelList> future = connection.getChannelList(serviceName, String channelId); 
ResultChannelList resultChannelList = future.get(); // blocked 
    // authentication success 


Send message to server and wait for response.

Future<PacketResult> future = connection.request(message); 
PacketResult packetResult = future.get(); // blocked 
    // request success 


Send message to server.



Severs the connection. To have the users created when disconnected log out, enter true as a factor.



Wait until the forcibly closed by admin notification is received. It is passed when the admin forcibly disconnects.

Future<ResultAdminKickoutNoti> future = connection.waitForAdminKickoutNoti() 
ResultAdminKickoutNoti resultAdminKickoutNoti = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultAdminKickoutNoti 


Wait until the forcible close notification. It is passed when the server calls BaseUser.closeConnection(), fails to authenticate, or is logged into a duplicate account or an exception occurs while UserTransfer is running.

Future<ResultForceCloseNoti> future = connection.waitForForceCloseNoti(); 
ResultForceCloseNoti resultForceCloseNoti = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultForceCloseNoti 


Wait until a network disconnected notification is received. It is passed when the server calls BaseConnection.close(), a socket error occurs or calls either Connection.close() or Tester.Close().

Future<ResultDisconnect> future = connection.waitForDisconnect(); 
ResultDisconnect resultDisconnect = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultDisconnect 


It is responsible for the major features required for the game such as login, room creation, join, and matching. User can be created as below:

User user = connection.getUserAgent(serviceName, subId); 
if(user == null){ 
    user = connection.createUser(serviceName, subId); 

Check if User that is matched with ServiceName and SubId using Connection.getUserAgent(). If there is none, create a new User with Connection.createUser().

User provides the following features:


Log into the specified channel using the specified user type. User type and channel use the character strings specified by server.

Future<ResultLogin> future = user.login(resultLogin -> { 
        // login success 
}, userType, channelId, payload); 

ResultLogin resultLogin = future.get(); // blocked 
    // login success 


Log out from the logged in channel.

Future<ResultLogout> future = user.logout(resultLogout -> { 
        // logout success 
}, userType, channelId, payload); 

ResultLogout resultLogout = future.get(); // blocked 
    // logout success 


Wait until a forcible logout notification is sent. It is passed when the server calls BaseUser.kickout().

Future<ResultForceLogoutNoti> future = connection.waitForForceLogoutNoti(); 
ResultForceLogoutNoti resultForceLogoutNoti = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultForceLogoutNoti 


Create a room, name it with the specified room type and join the room. Room type uses the character strings configured from server.

Future<ResultCreateRoom> future = user.createRoom(resultCreateRoom -> { 
        // createRoom success 
}, roomType, roomName, payload); 

ResultCreateRoom resultCreateRoom = future.get(); // blocked 
    // createRoom success 


Join the room that has the specified ID. It fails when there is no room with the specified ID.

Future<ResultJoinRoom> future = user.joinRoom(resultJoinRoom -> { 
        // joinRoom success 
}, roomType, roomId, payload); 

ResultJoinRoom resultJoinRoom = future.get(); // blocked 
    // joinRoom success 


Join the room with the specified name. If there is no room with the specified name, create such a room and join it. If the room is for party matching, enter true as useParty.

Future<ResultNamedRoom> future = user.namedRoom(resultNamedRoom -> { 
        // namedRoom success 
}, roomType, roomName, useParty, payload); 

ResultNamedRoom resultNamedRoom = future.get(); // blocked 
    // namedRoom success 


Leave the current room.

Future<ResultLeaveRoom> future = user.leaveRoom(resultLeaveRoom -> { 
        // leaveRoom success 
}, payload); 

ResultLeaveRoom resultLeaveRoom = future.get(); // blocked 
    // leaveRoom success 


Wait until a forcible kickout notification is sent. It is passed when the server calls BaseUser.kickoutRoom.

Future<ResultForceLeaveRoomNoti> future = connection.waitForForceLeaveRoomNoti(); 
ResultForceLeaveRoomNoti resultForceLeaveRoomNoti = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultForceLeaveRoomNoti 


Request user matchmaking. If the user already joined a room, the request may fail depending on server requirements. Matching success notification can be received by WaitForMatchUserDoneNoti and the match timeout notification can be received by WaitForMatchUserTimeoutNoti.

Future<ResultMatchUserStart> future = user.matchUserStart(resultMatchUserStart -> { 
        // matchUserStart success 
}, roomType, payload); 

ResultMatchUserStart resultMatchUserStart = future.get(); // blocked 
    // matchUserStart success 


Cancel the user matchmaking request. If match is not requested, matching was successful, or a timeout occurred, it may fail.

Future<ResultMatchUserCancel> future = user.matchUserCancel(resultMatchUserCancel -> { 
        // matchUserCancel success 
}, roomType); 

ResultMatchUserCancel resultMatchUserCancel = future.get(); // blocked 
    // matchUserCancel success 


Wait until the user matchmaking or party matchmaking request complete notification is sent.

Future<ResultMatchUserDone> future = connection.waitForMatchUserDoneNoti(); 
ResultMatchUserDone resultMatchUserDone = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultMatchUserDone 


Wait until the user matchmaking or party matchmaking request timed out notification is sent.

Future<ResultMatchUserTimeout> future = connection.waitForMatchUserTimeoutNoti(); 
ResultMatchUserTimeout resultMatchUserTimeout = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultMatchUserTimeout 


Request party matchmaking. It can be requested when the user joined a room for party matchmaking. Matching success notification can be received by WaitForMatchUserDoneNoti and the match timeout notification can be received by WaitForMatchUserTimeoutNoti.

Future<ResultMatchPartyStart> future = user.matchPartyStart(resultMatchPartyStart -> { 
        // matchPartyStart success 
}, roomType, payload); 

ResultMatchPartyStart resultMatchPartyStart = future.get(); // blocked 
    // matchPartyStart success 


Wait until the user receives a party matchmaking start notification. It is passed when someone else started party matchmaking in a room for party matchmaking.

Future<ResultMatchPartyStart> future = connection.waitForMatchPartyStartNoti(); 
ResultMatchPartyStart resultMatchPartyStart = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultMatchPartyStart 


Cancel the party matchmaking request. If party matchmaking is not in progress, party matchmaking was successful, or a timeout occurred, it may fail.

Future<ResultMatchPartyCancel> future = user.matchPartyCancel(resultMatchPartyCancel -> { 
        // matchPartyCancel success 
}, roomType); 

ResultMatchPartyCancel resultMatchPartyCancel = future.get(); // blocked 
    // matchPartyCancel success 


Wait until the party matchmaking cancel notification is sent. It is passed when someone else cancels party matchmaking while party matchmaking is in progress.

Future<ResultMatchPartyCancel> future = connection.waitForMatchPartyCancelNoti(); 
ResultMatchPartyCancel resultMatchPartyCancel = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultMatchPartyCancel 


Request the room matchmaking. If there is no room, the user may create an arbitrary room and join that room.

Future<ResultMatchRoom> future = user.matchRoom(resultMatchRoom -> { 
        // matchRoom success 
}, roomType); 

ResultMatchRoom resultMatchRoom = future.get(); // blocked 
    // matchRoom success 


Move to the specified channel.

Future<ResultMoveChannel> future = user.moveChannel(resultMoveChannel -> { 
        // moveChannel success 
}, roomType); 

ResultMoveChannel resultMoveChannel = future.get(); // blocked 
    // moveChannel success 


Wait until you receive a channel move notification. If you move the channel for reasons such as room entry, matchmaking, etc., it will be delivered.

Future<ResultMoveChannelNoti> future = connection.waitForMoveChannelNoti(); 
ResultMoveChannelNoti resultMoveChannelNoti = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultMoveChannelNoti 


Send message to server and wait for response.

Future<PacketResult> future = user.request(packetResult -> { 
        // request success 
}, message); 

PacketResult packetResult = future.get(); // blocked 
    // request success 


Send message to server.



Wait until a notification is sent. It is passed when an admin sent a notification or a notification is sent by REST API.

Future<ResultNotice> future = connection.waitForMoveChannelNoti(); 
ResultNotice resultNotice = future.get(WAIT_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); // blocked 
// resultNotice 

Write test code

Basic Settings

Write the BeforeClass, AfterClass, and After codes as follows when writing test code using JUnit.

public class TestWithGameHammer { 
    static Tester tester; 

    public static void beforeClass() { 
        tester = Tester.newBuilder() 
                    .addProtoBufClass(0, RPSGame.getDescriptor()) 

    public void before() { 

    public void after() { 

    public static void afterClass() { 
        tester = null; 

    public void connectTest() { 
        ResultConnect resultConnect = connect(connection); 
        assertEquals(ResultCodeConnect.CONNECT_SUCCESS, resultConnect.getResultCode()); 

    public void someTest() { 
        // some test code 

If it is written in this way, you can stop the users participated in a preceding test remain from affecting the following test.

Request/Response test

Test codes using GameHammer can be categorized by 2 types. The former is a group of test codes in Request/Response type. If Request is sent by the client, Response must be sent. If response is not sent, a timeout occurs. Most of the APIs provided by the GameAnvil connector use the Request/Response method and GameHammer supports tests in this Request/Response type.

For example, the test code for the connect of Connection can be written as below:

public void Connect() { 
    Connection connection = tester.createConnection(uuid); 

    Future<ResultConnect> future = connection.connect(new RemoteInfo("", 11200)); 
    ResultConnect resultConnect = futre.get(); // blocked 
    Assert.assertTrue("Connection fail", resultConnect.isSuccess()); 

    // more test code 

Call connection.connect() to connect to the server. If you call get() of Future returned at this time, wait until connection.connect() is complete, and return the resulting ResultConnect. You can use the returned ResultConnect to determine whether or not it is a success or failure.

For another example, the test code for messages using the Request/Response method can be written as below:

public void RequestTest() { 
    Connection connection = tester.createConnection(uuid); 
    // assume aleady connected. 

    Messages.Request request = Messages.Request.newBuilder().build(); 
    Future<PacketResult> future = connection.request(request); 
    PacketResult packetResult = future.get(); // blocked 
    Assert.assertTrue("Response fail", packetResult.isSuccess()); 
    Messages.Response response = Messages.Response.parseFrom(packetResult.getStream()); 

    // more test code 

First, create a message and send it to the server as a factor in connection.request(). When get() of Future is called, the server responds or waits for a timeout to occur and returns PacketResult when a timeout occurs. The PacketResult returned here can be used to determine success or failure. If successful, you can parse the message using PacketResult.getStream().

The APIs of Connection and User that return Future can be tested by using this method.


The client sends Send, but it does not wait for response. The server may send Send regardless of the client's actions as well. The test can be written as below:

public void RequestTest() { 
    Connection connection = tester.createConnection(uuid); 
    // assume aleady connected. 

    Messages.SendToServer sendToServer = Messages.SendToServer.newBuilder().build(); 

    Future<PacketResult> future = connection.waitFor(Messages.SendToClient.getDescription()); 
    PacketResult packetResult = future.get(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // blocked 
    Assert.assertTrue("receive fail", packetResult.isSuccess()); 
    Messages.SendToClient sendToClient = Messages.SendToClient.parseFrom(packetResult.getStream()); 

    // more test code 